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“Where’s Shade?” Lily smoothed a trembling hand through John’s hair, trying to be calm for her son.

“I thought I saw him come out here.” Calder searched through the milling crowd. “I don’t see him.”

Razer nodded toward the side of the building. “I saw him that way. If he’s not back in a minute, I’ll go look for him.”

When Meri and Keri finally calmed down after seeing Star and Harley were safe, everyone started talking at once.

“What in the hell happened?” Crazy Bitch heard Sex Piston asking Stud.

She had been about to ask Calder, who still seemed shaken and hadn’t taken his eyes off Star.

“I have no clue. One second, we were in line for the autographs. Some of the cowboys were posing for pictures by the horse stalls. We were waiting for Reno to finish with the one in front of us in line. And the next thing I know, two bulls come charging down from the back of the building. I assume they were trying to load them on the trailer to leave when they escaped. I didn’t stand around to ask. Calder and I just took off running with Meri and Keri.”

“How did Shade get the tranquilizer gun?” Crazy Bitch gripped Calder’s arm tightly, relieved they had been able to get the girls and themselves away.

“I don’t know. I was too busy running toward Harley.”

“I saw him taking it away from Clint when he couldn’t figure out how to load the dart,” Calder answered grimly. “If he hadn’t reacted so fast, I would be dead.”

Crazy Bitch wound her arms around his waist, laying her head on his chest and feeling the beat of his heart beneath her cheek.

“He probably has experience using one to keep The Last Riders in line,” Crazy Bitch joked, trying to lighten the atmosphere. She released Calder to give Harley and Star their tumblers. “Little Stud, I saw you helping your sister up instead of running away like the rest of those sissies. When I get home, I’m going to make you a chocolate cake.”

“With peanut butter frosting on top?” He proudly beamed up at her as if she had promised him a gold medal.

Sex Piston aimed a grateful smile at her for stopping to pick up the tumblers she had forgotten about.

“Should we go back to the car and wait for Shade there?” Lily asked when the children started complaining they wanted to go home.

“Shade’s coming.” Razer pointed, seeing him coming from the side of the building. “Did you find out what happened?” he asked when he got within talking distance.

His expression had her apprehension rising.

“They think one of the crew members didn’t check to make sure the bulls’ stalls were properly locked before they loaded them onto the trailer. The crew says they did and don’t know how they managed to get loose.”

“Whoever did it should be fired,” Sex Piston snapped. “It was an accident that could have cost someone their life.”

“One of the workers is in pretty bad shape. They took him through the back exit so no one could see,” Shade informed them. “Lily, you and Beth stay here, while Razer and I get the cars. Stud and Calder, mind staying here until we get back?”

“Not at all,” Stud said, giving Shade a perceptive gaze that sent alarm bells going off inside her.

The ex-Navy SEAL was known to be protective of his wife and child, but that he didn’t want them left alone long enough for him to get his car spoke of his concern.

Calder must have felt the same worry as her. He slid an arm around her waist and moved her closer to the group, keeping a wary eye around those who were near them.

When Shade and Razer arrived back with their vehicles, Stud told Sex Piston to stay beside their car until he could return with theirs, giving Calder a signal he didn’t intend her to see to watch them.

Once they were loaded into Stud’s van, they drove back to the hotel. Now that they felt safe and secure, the kids relived the experience, not noticing the adults were remaining silent in thought.

Once they were in the lobby, Crazy Bitch gave each of the kids a hug before saying good night to Stud and Sex Piston.

In their room, she sat down on the bed, taking off her boots. “Your dick better?” she asked as he took off his T-shirt and jeans.

“Yes.” He tossed his clothes down next to his suitcase before going into the bathroom and closing the door.

Stung at his abruptness, she undressed as she heard the shower turn on.

Twisting the doorknob, she went inside uninvited.

Opening the shower door, she stepped under the cold water, shuddering at the temperature. She dipped her head under the ice-cold water to give herself courage before turning around to face him.
