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They worked steadily throughout the afternoon. The stifling heat in the garage had him looking forward to a cool shower. After Stud closed the body shop, they walked toward their bikes.

“What are you doing this weekend?” Calder asked as he got on his motorcycle.

“Taking the kids camping. You want to go?”

“It’s my turn to stay with Gavin this weekend. Peyton stayed last weekend.”

Calder had met Gavin when Killyama asked him and her mother to help through the first couple weeks of his recovery. Both he and Peyton had gone to the rehab, where Viper, Gavin’s brother, explained the horrors his brother had survived. They had instantly agreed to help.

“It’s cool what you’re doing. I know The Last Riders appreciate it.”

“Been there. I know what he’s going through. So does Peyton.”

Calder started his bike, expecting Stud to do the same. He didn’t. He just stared at him with a strange look on his face.

He was about to ask what was on his mind when Stud answered.

“I’ll tell you what I’ll do. Next time Sex Piston gets drunk off her ass, I’ll get her to tell me Crazy Bitch’s name.”

Calder laughed. “How often does that happen?”

“Not often. She’s careful when she drinks. She doesn’t trust me.”

“Why in the hell wouldn’t she trust you?”

“One night, she got drunk and I pretended we fucked. She couldn’t stand my guts back then. It was right after I made the Destructors a chapter of the Blue Horsemen. Needless to say, she wasn’t happy when she woke up.”

“When was the last time she got drunk?”

“The Christmas Penni spiked the punch with moonshine.”

“Invite her to bring—”

“She’s Shade’s sister, and she doesn’t live in Treepoint. Don’t know when she’ll be back. That won’t work, anyway. It put Killyama in the hospital.”

“I could always ask Star. Maybe she would know.”

“There’s also another way.” Stud started his bike. “You could ask her yourself.”

Calder made a right out of the parking lot as Stud headed left toward the Destructors’ clubhouse, where he would check in with the brothers before riding home.

On his way out of town, he had to pass Sex Piston’s beauty shop. He had no intention of stopping, but when he saw Crazy Bitch’s car, he found himself signaling a turn.

Seeing the open sign glowing in the front window, he shut off his bike and got off.

When he opened the door, a bell sounded that had Crazy Bitch lifting her head as she swept the floor.

“What in the fuck do you want?”

“Is that any way to treat a paying customer?”

“You’re wanting a haircut?”

“Why else would I be here?” Calder figured, since direct wasn’t working for him, he would give being subtle a try. “Is it too late? You look like you’re ready to close.”

“Take a seat. I’m not meeting Sam for another hour. It’ll pass the time.”

Calder passively took a seat in the styling chair she had motioned to.

“What do you two lovebirds have planned tonight?”

Crazy Bitch came up behind him with a black cape, laying it over his chest, then snuggly wrapped it around his neck, nearly choking him, before she snapped it at his nape. “We’re going to the drive-in.”

“Jamestown has a drive-in?”

“Yes, during the summer months. It gives the teenagers a place to hang out without getting into trouble.”

Calder wasn’t used to her being so polite. He should have tried this before.

“How short you want it?”

Calder showed her the length he wanted with his finger just above where she had snapped the cape. “It’s hot as fuck in the garage.”

Crazy Bitch wet his hair with a spray bottle as she ran a comb through the strands. “You want a shave?”

“No, I like my goatee.”

Calder tried to think of something to say as she cut his hair, but he drew a blank, his mind turning to mush at the feel of her fingers against his scalp. Under the cape, he tugged it more to the front to hide his burgeoning arousal.

“I see why you’re so hot.”

Calder met her eyes in the mirror. “You do?” he croaked out.

“Yes. It’s too thick. I can shave the underneath off and leave the top length you want.”

“Go for it.”

“You’re going to feel a hundred times cooler when I take it off.” She opened a drawer at her station and took out a shaver. “Lean your head down; I don’t want to cut you.”

He obediently lowered his head, hearing the buzzing sound behind him. Feeling the vibrations on the back of his neck as her fingers waved through his top layer had him beginning to feel worried. If he didn’t get himself under control, she would see his hard-on when she removed the cape.

With his head down, he saw thick chunks of his hair falling to the floor.

“You sure you’re not taking too much off?”

The buzzing stopped. “I’m sure.”

He nearly swallowed his tongue when he felt her breasts against his shoulder as she lifted onto her toes.
