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At his proclamation, several of the women began crying. Viper put his arms around Winter, Knox pulled Diamond closer, Shade pulled Lily into his side, and Evie turned to King. Everyone there stood stupefied at the doctor’s prognosis that the consequences of the wreck would be life-changing for Cash.

The Last Riders began making plans as soon as the doctor left.

“We can put him downstairs. It’s accessible with a wheelchair and has the exercise equipment and hot tub,” Viper stated.

“I’ll call Donna as soon as he’s out of the rehab center,” Winter said.

Each and every one of them discussing how they would help Cash heal and adjust to his new life was why Shade was loyal to The Last Riders. They stood together to face any challenge thrown their way.

“I need to go talk to Rachel.” Lily wiped her tears away as he released her.

“I’ll go with you,” Beth said.

Both women walked to Rachel who was standing at the edge of the group. Shade went to get a bottled water, waiting for Viper to come out of Cash’s room so he could go inside for a few moments.

Viper walked out, and then Shade motioned to Lily that he was going to go see Cash.

He went into Cash’s room, staring down at the brother fighting for his life.

“Brother, your woman is here, but if you want her, you’re going to have to wake up.” Shade continued talking to Cash as if he was awake until the door opened and Pastor Patterson came into the room.

“I’m sorry to interrupt, but Cash’s grandmother asked me to stop by and pray for him. I’m Pastor Merrick Patterson.” He reached out to shake Shade’s hand, which he didn’t take. The pastor dropped his hand to his side.

“Have we met before? You look familiar?”

“We met once in the service briefly. I served with Dean.”

“Ah … That explains it. My wife tells me I have a terrible memory, and I have to agree with her.”

“Your wife is a fucking lunatic. While everyone in town believes she has the wool pulled over your eyes, I just don’t believe anyone can be that clueless unless they want to be.”

Pastor Merrick paled.

Shade didn’t feel the least bit of sympathy for the man. He was the one who had brought Brooke back into his and Evie’s lives.

Merrick gave a nervous laugh. “I know Brooke is a little high-maintenance for a pastor’s wife, and she hasn’t learned to fit into small town life yet, but she will adjust. The church congregation will learn to love her as I do.”

With that, Shade knew he had been right. Merrick Patterson was a man who loved his wife. He wasn’t blind to her evil; he tolerated it and turned a blind eye to keep her.

Shade stared at him coldly before he walked toward the door. “You need to pray for yourself more than Cash. When Brooke no longer needs you, neither you nor that kid of yours will be safe. I’d pray hard if I were you.”

He went out the door, closing it behind him. One of the two men in that room was facing death, and it wasn’t the one lying on the bed.

Chapter 83

“Could you come to the hospital and pick me up?” Lily asked.

“Give me ten minutes.” Shade disconnected the call.

He tracked Rider down, finding him in his room with the bedroom door open. Rider was lying on his back on the bed with Jewell and Stori. The brother was watching the women have a clit fight while he jerked himself off.

“Can I borrow your truck?”

“Keys are on the nightstand,” Rider grunted.

Shade walked into the room, picking up the keys, then turned to leave.

“Sure you don’t want to join?” he asked.

“I’ll pass. Have to go pick up Lily.”

Stori gave a small scream, twisting on the bed.

“I won,” Jewell gloated, sitting up and running her hand down Stori’s thigh.

“Come here.” Rider motioned for Jewell.

She crawled across the mattress to Rider who was putting on a condom. Jewell threw one leg over Rider’s hips, plunging herself down onto his cock.

Shade was going out the bedroom door as Winter came out of Viper’s bedroom. As she passed Rider’s bedroom, she heard Jewell’s moans, automatically looking inside, and her eyes met his.

Shade dangled the keys. “Just borrowing his truck,” he said mockingly.

“Did I say anything?” Winter shook her head. “I don’t doubt your devotion to Lily.”

They walked down the steps together.

“How’s Cash?”

“The doctor called Viper. He crashed again this morning. That makes twice that we’ve almost lost him. If he crashes again, the chances are slimmer that he’ll pull through.”

Winter blinked back tears, “I’m going to start dinner. Viper is on the way to the hospital. When I’m done, I’m going to join him.”

“Lily went there after work. She wants me to pick her up. After dinner, I’m going back and staying with him until Train comes.”

“Cash is lucky to have you all.” Winter reached up and kissed his cheek.

Shade frowned.

Winter laughed. “I won’t tell Viper if you won’t.” She turned toward the kitchen.

“Winter, I don’t understand…”

She turned back. “Why I kissed you?”

Shade nodded.

“Because I know you’re responsible for Rachel staying, and you’ve made sure one of the men is always at the hospital. You’re a nice guy, Shade.”

“No, I’m not.”

Shade’s sharp reply had her shaking her head at him, turning back to the kitchen. “Yes, you are.”

“No, I’m fucking not!” Shade went out the door, slamming the door to prove it.

The drive to the hospital didn’t take long. Shade pulled up to the hospital door, expecting Lily to come out. When she did, he threw the truck in park and jumped out.

“What the fuck is wrong with her.”

“Help me get her in the truck.” Lily struggled to push the wheelchair Rachel was sitting in, looking deathly pale.

Shade took the handles of the wheelchair, pushing it toward the truck, then lifted her inside. Lily climbed inside the driver’s side, scooting over toward Rachel.

Shade took the wheelchair back inside the lobby, angrily coming back to the truck and climbing in.

He pulled out, driving to Cash’s grandmother Mag’s house, where Rachel was staying.

“What’s wrong with her?” Shade snapped out.

“She saved Cash,” Lily spoke breathlessly. “I still don’t believe it. If I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes … Her blood pressure dropped too low.”

Lily went on to explain Cash was awake, and his vital signs were better. Her jumbled words were filled with excitement, relief, and worry over Rachel.

Shade packed her inside Mag’s house with the old woman staring at him from her wheelchair as he carried Rachel to the room she was staying in.

Lily took off Rachel’s shoes. “I’m going to stay with her for a while. I’ll call when I need you to pick me up.”

“All right. I’ll go back to the hospital and stay with Cash until you cal

l.” Shade kissed Lily briefly.

Rachel caught his hand as he was about to leave. “I want your promise not to tell him I was there.”

“Why?” he asked curiously.

“Because,” she said stubbornly, unwilling to explain.

“I’m not going to make a promise I can’t keep.” Shade raised his hand when she would have interrupted. “I won’t say anything unless he asks, but that’s the best I can do.”

Rachel reluctantly nodded as she began shaking so hard Lily had to cover her with a blanket.

Shade left the two women alone, going through the house and outside to the porch where Mag was sitting in her wheelchair.

“I want to go see Cash.”

Shade stared silently at the old woman then went down to the truck and opened the passenger door before walking back up to the porch. Leaning down, he lifted her, carrying her to the truck then gently placing her into the seat. Reaching up, he buckled her in.

“I could have done that,” she snapped.

He didn’t respond, closing the truck door before going back to get her wheelchair. Shade expertly folded it before placing it in the back of the truck.

Once behind the steering wheel, he drove out of her driveway and then turned toward town.

“You don’t talk much, do you?”

“Not when I don’t have anything to say,” Shade replied.

“Had to do some talking to catch that pretty wife of yours.” Mag snorted. “She must like the strong, silent, asshole type.”

“You talk to Cash this way?”

“Hell no, Cash is my grandson. I don’t have to pretend to be nice to him.” She laughed, hitting him on the arm.

Shade’s hands tightened on the steering wheel. Maybe Cash would have been better off in the coma.

* * *

Fat Louise was sitting on a bale of hay as she watched her friends lead Sex Piston’s kids through the field to pick out pumpkins. She didn’t look much happier since the last time he had seen her on the helicopter, and back then, she had been crying on Killyama’s shoulder.

Shade knew something had happened since she had returned, but Lily refused to tell him. Truthfully, he hadn’t been interested enough to badger her for the information. He would remedy that when they went back home, though.
