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“It’s nice here. Holly and I bring Logan.” Rachel looked at Beth cuddled up into her husband’s side. Razer and Beth must have had their own talk because Beth no longer was acting angry with Razer.

“Who’s keeping the babies for you?” Rachel asked Beth.

“Evie and King. I think she would actually keep them if we let her,” Beth said wryly.

Winter came out of the water with Viper’s arm wrapped around her waist. Winter sank down on the blanket across from Rachel while Viper reached into the cooler, pulling out two beers and giving one to his wife.

“I’m surprised you’re out on a school night, Winter,” Rachel teased.

“I usually don’t. I hate being tired first thing in the morning, but we all punish ourselves sometimes for a good cause.” Winter threw Viper a sidelong glance which he ignored, lifting the beer to his lips.

A sudden squeal filled the night air as Rider threw Bliss into the water, going in after her and pulling her into a passionate kiss, gradually edging her over to the darker side of the water. As Rachel lowered her gaze, embarrassed, Razer cut into the sudden silence.

“Let’s go for a swim,” he said, helping Beth to her feet.

All the couples stood except Lily, Shade, Viper, Winter, Rachel, and Cash. The air rang out with splashing and laughter.

“I’ll open the store tomorrow. I need to organize a few things for Willa,” Lily said. “Lewis’s younger children need a few things, and I thought I would make a couple of bags for them and deliver them when you come in.”

“I’m sure she’s going to need several things. I picked them up some games to keep them occupied.”

“I offered to take them to the Saturday matinee to give her a break.” Winter’s husky voice was due to Viper’s determination that his wife wasn’t going to stay angry with him. He was kissing her neck, uncaring that Rachel was watching.

They all wanted Rachel to become more comfortable around them, and to do that, they would act normally. The husbands were all constantly touching their wives, and the brothers were not shy about touching the women. Cash wanted Lily, Beth, and Winter there to show her she would have ready-made friends in the club, not pretending they acted differently than they did.

Shade bent down, capturing Lily’s mouth with his hand on the back of her neck, holding her in place.

“Let’s go for a swim.” Cash rose to his feet, holding out his hand.

Rachel took it, standing up. “I don’t have a suit.”

“Lily brought you one. You can go into the trees and get changed.”

Shade shrugged when Lily sent him a reproving look. He had given the suit to Cash when he had asked. His wife easily was the most modest of the women. If she showed her shoulder or calf, she felt as if she was exposing too much. Shade didn’t mind, though; he liked that he wouldn’t have to kill any fucker caught staring at her.

Lily buried her face in his shoulder when Cash changed into shorts in front of everyone.

“You don’t want to get a good look? You didn’t mind staring at Knox’s,” Shade teased.

Lily raised her head. “You know I only looked because he had that piercing.”

“Yeah, sure,” Shade laughed.

Lily sent him a quelling look as Rachel walked out, timidly approaching the water where Cash was waiting for her.

Crash took the last two beers out of the cooler before standing.

“Anyone want to go on a beer run?” No one spoke up.

Razer sighed, kissing Beth on the cheek before rising.

“I’ll go with you. We can take the truck. I’ll ride my bike back.”

Shade tossed him the keys.

“She’s going to have a hard time when she finds out about the club,” Lily said, drawing his attention back to her.

Shade reached for the beer Train was handing him.

“Yes, she will, but you did, too. It depends how much she wants to be with Cash, but I think she’ll get over it. It’s not easy for him, either. He likes women who like to play and play a lot. They both are going to have to do some giving and taking.”

“Like us?”

“Like us,” Shade agreed.

“Is it worth it to you, Shade?”

Shade saw Beth’s anxious face when she heard Lily’s question.

Shade stared back at Lily. “Lily, you’re worth me giving up the club if I was left with no choice. You mean everything to me. Are you not happy with the club in our lives?”

The other members quieted, listening in to the conversation going on between them.

“I can’t imagine them not being in my life,” Lily answered softly. “It would be like losing a part of myself if I lost them. They make me feel safe and cared for.”

Shade nodded, taking her hand.

“Don’t worry, Lily; you’re never going to lose us. Once The Last Riders claim you, we don’t let go of what’s ours.” Viper spoke for the whole group who all nodded at his words.

Bliss and Rider had come out of the water and had paused behind them, listening to the conversation. Beth handed her a towel, which she used to wrap around herself before crouching down behind Lily, hugging her from behind.

“We would never give you up. You’re too special to us.”

Lily placed her hands on Bliss’s, squeezing them in a return of affection.

“I’m not going anywhere. I’m exactly where I belong.”

Chapter 88

Lily was practically skipping ahead of him. Shade reached out, taking her hand and making her wait for him.

“Quit being a slow-poke,” Lily chastised him with a grin. She was already impatient. She had been ready long before the rest of The Last Riders who were following along behind them.

/> “The town festival isn’t going to be gone before we get there.”

“No, but the best food will be. I’m hungry,” Lily complained.

“You’re always hungry,” Shade teased her as they neared the tables that had been set up for the crowd to sit at. It was surrounded by booths which had been set up to serve food made by the townspeople.

“Hi, Rachel!” Lily called out when she saw her friend sitting at one of the tables.

When Cash took a seat next to her, Shade and Lily shared a look, wondering why Cash was giving Rachel a heated glare.

“Hi, Lily,” Rachel greeted Lily, ignoring Cash.

“You’re not eating?” Lily asked, looking down at the empty place in front of Rachel.

“I’m afraid to. There’s enough fatback in those dishes to take down a horse,” Rachel joked.

“I’m starved. I’ll be back in a minute.” Lily left, going to the different booths.

Shade and the rest of the men remained seated.

“Exactly when did you sneak out?” Cash asked, breaking his silence.

“Around two. Don’t worry. I didn’t walk home; Cheryl gave me a ride,” Rachel told him.

Cash didn’t look any happier with her answer. Rachel shrugged, clearly not concerned that Cash was still angry.

Beth gave her a wink while Shade and Razer shook their heads at each other. Beth was protective of Rachel because she was Lily’s age.

“You’re not hungry?” Rachel asked Beth.

“I’m with you. Thank God I’m not pregnant anymore and don’t get the cravings Lily does.”

The women turned to watch as Lily went from booth to booth, getting samples of everyone’s food.

“When did Brooke learn to cook beans and greens?” Rachel asked.

Shade was surprised the evil bitch could boil water.

“I have no idea,” Beth said then added, “You going to try it?”

“No, it would be too depressing if she can cook as good as she looks.”

Lily came back to the table with a huge plate, sitting down between her and Mag.
