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The ceremony didn’t last long, but afterward, the pictures of the wedding party took forever. There were several photos taken in various positions. First, the whole bridal party, then the bridesmaids, then groomsmen, and then the groomsmen and bridesmaids.

The brothers began getting antsy when they saw the guests going for the buffet tables.

“They’re going to eat all the food,” Knox muttered.

“Let’s finish this up,” Razer warned Beth, seeing the men’s threatening glares.

“All right, all right. Just a few more,” Beth soothed.

Shade was in no hurry, managing to put himself in several pictures with Lily. The photographer decided to take pictures of them together, exactly like the others had during their pictures.

“Last one,” the photographer said, moving to a different position.

Hearing the photographer, Charles moved closer, waiting for Lily, who gave him a sweet smile. Shade’s eyes narrowed as he slid his arm around Lily’s waist, bringing her flush against his side. Lily stiffened within Shade’s grasp, her hand going to his chest. Though she didn’t pull away, her body went taut against his.

While her smile became more nervous, Shade’s became a different matter, giving a clear warning to the young man standing beside Winter.

“Let’s get something to eat.” Charles led her away to the buffet tables, giving Shade a gloating smile over his shoulder.

Did that little pissant think he was going to get away with that smug smile? Shade was going to rip him a new asshole.

Winter moved to block his path. “Hey, Shade. It was a nice ceremony, wasn’t it?” Winter used a saccharine sweet voice which scraped at his nerves.

He took a deep breath, reminding himself she was Viper’s woman.

“Beth and Lily looked beautiful, didn’t they?”

Shade’s eyes went to Razer and Beth standing together as their friends congratulated them.

“Yes,” he growled out.

“They all are so happy; Beth with Razer and Lily finally settling into college. Their lives are merging, yet still fragile. It could be hurt irreparably if Beth feels Razer’s putting a friend’s wants over her sister’s needs.”

Shade’s body stiffened.

“It’s not like you’re deprived of female companionship. Lily will be out of school in two years with a degree she’s wanted since I’ve known her. By then, you might not even want her anymore.”

Shade gave her a look that had her taking a step back. Then he stood back and watched Charles with Lily. The man considered her his even though they hadn’t dated in months. Charles had every intention of marrying Lily someday. It wasn’t going to happen, though. Shade would see to that. If he had to wait five years for Lily, he would. He turned back to Winter, letting her see the conviction in his eyes.

However, she was right, no matter how much he hated to admit it. If he tried to initiate a relationship with Lily at that point, it would create a rift between Razer and Beth. Razer needed time to cement his marriage to Beth, and he needed to place Razer over his need for Lily. For now.

Seeing Winter had received his silent message, he went to fix himself a plate. After the food was eaten, he sat at his table, watching the dancing. He was about to get up and leave when Beth, Razer, and Lily walked up to him.

“You leaving?” Razer asked.

“Yes,” Shade answered. He couldn’t take another minute of watching Lily with Charles.

“Dance with me before you leave.” Beth grabbed his hand, dragging him to the dance floor, laughing as she turned to face him before stepping into his arms.

Razer followed with Lily, dancing with her as soft music began to play.

“This is my favorite song. Do you mind if I dance with Razer, Lily?” Beth asked as Lily and Razer danced next to them.

“N-no.” Lily stood stiffly as Shade moved sideways, taking her into his arms.

Casting a quick glance toward Razer, he seemed as surprised as Shade was by Beth’s maneuvering.

As Shade moved slowly, bringing her closer to him, Lily didn’t try to move away, but she didn’t look up at him, either.

“How’s school going?” Shade asked.

“Good,” she answered softly then cleared her voice. “Do you remember the first time we met?”

Shade almost stumbled at her question.

“Yeah, I remember,” he answered hoarsely.

“They were just beginning to know each other, and now they’re married.” Her face lifted to his. “I want to thank you for helping me into the house that day and for that night at the Porter’s.”

“You’re welcome.”

Lily slid her hand to his shoulder as she relaxed, enjoying the dance. As the song ended, she gave him a sweet smile before going back to Razer and Beth’s side.

She had remembered him. He might make her uncomfortable, but she had noticed he was slowly becoming a part of her life. He was gradually coming out of the shadows, becoming visible to her. He might not be who she wanted to see, but she knew he existed in her world. Shade could settle for that until she was ready to handle more.

Chapter 26

Shade drove through town, heading back to the clubhouse. He had gone to the auto store to pick up a part for Rider’s truck.

He was passing the local motel when he saw the sheriff and the coroner’s cars out front. Slowing, he drove his bike nearer, parking along the street.

A body bag was wheeled outside on a stretcher with the sheriff and coroner both talking as they exited the same room. Shade waited until the coroner had driven off with the body before approaching his dad.

“What’s up?” Shade asked as a couple of the deputies went inside the room.

“A motel worker found a body in the room when they went in to clean.”

“Anyone I know?” he asked curiously, doubting anyone he knew would stay at the motel.

“Sam Langley.” The sheriff’s grim response shocked Shade.

The young girl was a bitch who had hung out at the club when they had first come to town, sharing several of the brothers’ beds during the weekends as they had tried to find clues to Gavin’s death. When she had tried to kill Beth, she had dodged going to prison by claiming to have had Gavin’s baby. Winter’s Aunt Shay had told the truth, and the whole club had been relieved to find out that baby wasn’t Gavin’s.

Since then, no one had seen Sam other than the day she had been with the bikers who had attacked Beth, Winter, and Lily at the diner.

“She was hanging around with some renegade bikers the last time I saw her.”

“I’ll have to find out if she was still with them. They never showed for their court appearance. Their bail bondsman and I have both been trying to find them.”

“I heard they left town.” Shade shrugged.

“They’re not the only ones. Deputy Moore is missing, and his father is raising hell.”

“Don’t know him.” Shade stared back impassively at his father.

The sheriff nodded grimly. “I have a few witnesses to talk to. I’ll talk to you later.”

Shade watched his father walk toward an older woman who stood in front of the hotel, upset.

He walked back to his bike and started the motor. Pulling out, he rode back to the clubhouse. He would find Viper and tell him Sam was dead. Shade, despite the fact he had fucked the woman several times, felt no sorrow for her death. Her actions outside the diner that day had made her his enemy, and he had planned to pay her back for her part in the attack. Looked like someone had saved him the trouble, though.

* * *

“You’re going to be late,” Viper warned as Shade came down the steps.

Shade paused, going out the front door of the clubhouse. “I have five minutes. Besides, the boss isn’t there yet,” Shade stated, reminding Viper he wasn’t the only one not at the factory.

“I’m on my way. I need to grab a cup of coffee first.” Viper’s eyes narrowed over Shade’s shoulder.


sp; He turned to see who he was staring at and saw the sheriff standing grimly in the doorway.

“Viper, Shade, can I come in?”

The formal tone the sheriff was using raised Shade’s instincts. Something was wrong. Shade opened the door wider, letting him come inside.

“I’m here on official business to question Knox.”

“What for?” Viper asked. “He get drunk and bust up another bar? I’ll write a check—”

“Money isn’t going to solve this problem, Viper. I’m here to question him about Sam’s murder.”


“Yes, unless there’s another murder that’s happened in town that I don’t know about,” the sheriff barked back.

Shade’s mouth snapped shut as Viper took out his cell phone to call Knox.

The sheriff glared at Shade as Viper disconnected the call. “You need to get him a lawyer, and fast.”

“What evidence do you have?” Shade asked warily.

“He was seen leaving the hotel room Sam was found inside. There’s evidence that they’d been intimate.”

Both Shade and Viper became angry at hearing Knox had been with Sam.

“This is bullshit. Knox didn’t touch that bitch!” Viper’s voice rose. The club had banned any members from seeing Sam.

“Calm down, Viper. Let’s hear him out,” Shade reasoned.

Knox came down the steps as they watched his approach.
