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Cash stepped back when he finished, letting Rider take his place.

From his expression, Rider was going to attempt to outlast him. Rider pumped his cock into Bliss’s mouth, placing a hand on each side of her shoulders.

Shade slowed his speed as his hand went to Bliss’s clit. It only took a few strokes before she came, sucking furiously on Rider’s cock as her hips fucked Shade back, trying to draw out her orgasm.

“Damn it!” Rider groaned, coming in her mouth.

“My turn.” Train took Rider’s place at the head of the table when Rider shakily moved away, sliding his cock into Bliss’s waiting mouth.

“God, I’m going to come again,” Bliss moaned around Train’s cock.

Shade fucked her faster, helping her over the edge she was fighting for as she swallowed Train’s cock, making him hiss.

“She wants him to win,” Train accused, taking a nipple between his fingers and pinching it as the woman’s head rose and lowered.

“The fucker isn’t even breaking a sweat,” Crash said, moving closer to watch.

Train moaned, placing a hand on the card table to brace himself. Sweat broke out on his face, and his T-shirt began to get damp. His teeth showed as he gritted them, trying to hold off.

“Fuck!” Train shuddered, losing the bet.

Shade grinned as Train removed his limp dick from Bliss’s mouth. He finally let his control go, sliding Bliss closer so her clit would feel it every time his cock slid into her. He let her enjoy the ride a little longer before pulling out and letting himself come.

He straightened from her then removed the condom and tossed it in the trash can. Taking the slips of paper off Bliss’s stomach, he placed them on top of his already-large winnings and then Shade helped a thoroughly satisfied Bliss off the table, smoothing down her skirt.

“I need a drink.”

Shade handed her the almost-empty whiskey bottle he had been drinking out of, sitting back down in his chair and sliding it back to the table.

“Whose turn is it to deal?”

Chapter 37

“Fuck! “ Shade braked hard, barely managing to hold the bike upright.

The car in front of him had stopped suddenly while coming out of a curve. Neither of them had seen the long line of traffic going in the direction of Jamestown five miles away. There must be some serious shit going on ahead for the traffic to be so long. No cars were coming from the direction of Jamestown, showing traffic wasn’t getting in or out. The tension Shade had felt all day increased; that was why he was on the damn road in the first place.

Penni wasn’t at college anymore; she was on a job out of town, leaving Lily alone at a nearly deserted campus during spring break. He had been planning on keeping an eye on her until she left to go on her internship in the morning. He had spent the previous night watching her then left after she walked to her car to head to her job. He was on his way back to make sure she was okay after working and to watch her through another night. He would have to get a new bike soon if he kept putting so many miles on that one.

He was beginning to get aggravated with the dead-stop traffic when his cell phone rang. Reaching into his leather jacket, he took it out.

“What do you want?” he snapped, still angry at Razer for refusing to acknowledge that Lily was ready at least to talk to him.

Razer laughed. “I thought I would do you a favor, but never mind.” He hung up on him.

“Fuckwad,” Shade snorted, pressing a button.

Razer answered on the first ring.

“Why did you call other than to bother me?”

“I thought I would give you a heads-up. Lily called Beth and told her, since she was so close to Treepoint, she would drive in and spend the night. If you are where I think you are, it’s a waste of time.”

Shade started cussing, beginning to turn the wheel of his bike to head back to Treepoint. At least he would be out of the traffic.

“Hang on a minute, Shade. Lily’s calling.”

Shade stopped turning his bike, worried Lily might have been hurt. Could the traffic have been caused by an accident she had been involved in? Had she had a flat tire? Different scenarios ran through his mind as he waited impatiently for Razer to return to the call.

“Shade.” He could tell from Razer’s voice that what he was about to tell him wasn’t good. “Lily’s … in trouble. Her phone is on, and from what I can figure out, she’s at Sex Piston’s shop. She and the bitches have been taken hostage. From the voices, I think there are two men. I’m going to get the brothers and leave immediately. How far away are you?”

Shade had to clear the wrenching agony from his throat before he could answer, staring at the massive traffic at a standstill. “Five minutes.”

“I’ll call Stud and have him meet you there then call the police. Brother”—Shade heard something in Razer’s voice he had never heard before—“please save her.”

“I plan to.” Shade put his phone back in his pocket.

Giving his bike gas, he used the oncoming lane, going seventy miles an hour. If a car came, he would have been a dead man, but he didn’t care. He went faster until he came to where he had to take a left to Jamestown, where fire trucks and police cars blocked the road.

Shade decreased his speed, finding a space to ride his bike through. The smoke-filled sky was coming from a house near the railway tracks. He could barely see as a cop tried to stop him by waving a sign.

Ignoring him, Shade leaned to the side, forcing his bike through two fire trucks. Firemen leapt out of the way as he passed without slowing down. When he finally managed to get through the smoke and saw the road ahead, he gunned his motor to pick up speed again. He was almost there.

It wasn’t long until he slowed and flicked off his headlight when he turned into the small strip mall where Sex Piston’s shop was. Parking his bike at the end where it couldn’t be seen from inside the store, he was getting off when Stud and the Destructors came running from behind the building.

“Who’s inside?” Shade asked.

“All the women, Lily, and Dale and Joker,” Stud informed him grimly.


“Dale and Joker each have one. Razer had Crash transfer the call to Bear’s cell phone. We can hear what’s going on inside; we just can’t get inside without making noise—both front and back are locked.”

Shade was unable to see into the beauty shop from where he was standing. “They in the front?”

“They took them in the back.”

Shade had been hoping they would be in the front of the shop. He would have been able to take them out with a bullet.

“They’re coming out. He’s making Sex Piston take him to the bank to get money,” Bear whispered, covering the cell phone.

“Spread out,” Shade ordered. “No one moves until I signal.”

Sex Piston could be seen unlocking the front door. The woman paused before stepping out, surveying the parking lot.

“Lock the door back up,” Dale ordered loudly.

The dumb-fuck was confident no one was aroun

d. The same confidence is going to get him killed, Shade promised himself.

“Move,” Sex Piston demanded, telling Dale to get out of her way before turning back toward the door.

After she locked it, he jerked her away and pushed her toward the car everyone knew was hers at the side of the building. The pitch-black parking lot allowed them to stay out of sight as they walked past, and then Shade and Stud moved in from behind.

When Sex Piston opened her car door, forcing Dale to take a step back, Stud reached out, jerking Dale back by placing an arm around his neck. The slow bastard didn’t have time to react as Shade closed his hand over the gun, wrenching it from his hand expertly. Then Shade pointed it at Dale while Stud squeezed Dale’s throat until he passed out.

As soon as Stud let him fall to the ground, Bear moved out of the shadows, picking up Dale as the other brothers from the club followed him out of the darkness.

“Put him somewhere and leave two men watching over him,” Stud told Bear.

Shade was happy that, for once, Sex Piston’s mouth remained closed as she watched the men drag Dale away.

“You okay?” Stud asked.

As she nodded, Shade could see she was shaken up and worried about her friends, but the tough woman remained calm.

“Joker has the others in the back of the shop, Stud. He has a gun pointed on them,” Sex Piston told them.

“We know.” Stud grimly moved toward her to take her in his arms, holding her close.


“Lily. We’ve been listening in on her cell phone,” Shade answered.

“Thank God.”

“Stay here.” Stud released her after giving her a tight squeeze.

“I’m going with you. I can go in the door first and distract him,” Sex Piston argued.

“You’re staying here,” Stud demanded, turning away, but Sex Piston reached out and grabbed his arm.

“You’ve never been inside my shop. He has a gun on my friends. You go through that door first then Joker might shoot. Please, Stud.”

Shade was becoming impatient listening to the two argue, but he knew Sex Piston was right. He could also understand Stud wanting to keep his woman out of trouble.
