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Lily started to go wild.

“Sit still,” Shade ordered, and she instantly followed his directions. He wanted her to see she would be rewarded.

Shade didn’t attempt to touch her further, his hand going back to the computer screen, moving the cursor to begin going through the emails.

“The Farthings ordered three more cases of MREs. I think they’re planning for World War III.” He went down the emails, checking them off one by one. Sometimes he would make a remark, and sometimes he wouldn’t.

“So, what happened to get you upset?” Shade finally asked as he scrolled down the list for the next email.

“When I was in the back room, Gaige came in. I was bent over the refrigerator, and he slid his hand underneath my dress.”

“I would be upset if he tried to touch my ass, too,” Shade remarked, still working and not looking at her.

Lily laughed.

“Did he try to stop you from leaving the room?” Shade probed gently, not wanting to upset her again.

“No. I probably overreacted. I know how silly I sound.”

“You didn’t overreact. He had no business touching you,” Shade said, his hand going to her hip, adjusting her so she sat more comfortably on his leg. Subliminally, he was giving her the message that he was the only one allowed to touch.

Several more minutes passed with him holding her, showing her he would release her when he was ready.

“Are you all right now?”

“Yes. Thanks, Shade.”

After Lily opened the door, going back to work, Shade looked at the clock on the wall, seeing it was almost quitting time before he went to the work board to double-check that all the orders had been filled.

“Are you okay?” Bliss asked. She and Jewell had stopped by Lily’s work station as they left.

“I’m fine. I just overreacted.”

“Do you need anything before we leave?” Bliss offered.

Lily looked embarrassed before asking, “Would you mind getting me a number four green bean pack from the refrigerator?”

“No problem,” Bliss said, turning to go to the back room to get the item.

“I’ll handle it, Bliss. You two go on up to the club.” Shade walked up to them, and the two women left after giving Lily a sympathetic glance.

“Go get the seeds. I’ll wait here,” Shade told her, understanding she had to face her fear while knowing he would be near.

She didn’t argue with him and went to the room, and she was back in less than a minute.

Shade watched as she completed her order while the rest of the workers left for the day. When Lily had finished and cleaned her workstation in preparation for Monday, he dashed her hopes of going immediately home.

“Go get your bag while I lock up,” Shade ordered.

“But I thought—”

Shade tilted his head to the side in question.

“I’ll go get my bag.”

Grabbing her shoulder bag, she followed Shade to the basement and went to get changed. Shade changed and was warming up on the mat when she returned.

She sank to the mat to begin stretching while Shade watched her for a few minutes before standing up and turning on the music. It was Friday, and the party upstairs would be getting started; the music would muffle any sounds.

Shade moved her into position to begin her defense training. Then he worked on her kick for several minutes, becoming irritated when she didn’t connect with him. She was trying not to touch him.

Lily became distracted as the noise upstairs increased. The music he had put on wasn’t able to entirely hide that the party had started. Her eyes went repeatedly to the stairway.

“Pay attention, Lily. If you used more strength, we would have been done ten minutes ago, and I would be upstairs drinking a cold beer,” Shade said, deciding to see how she felt about him going upstairs after she left.

She managed to kick him on the side of his thigh.

“About fucking time.” Shade smiled at her proudly, realizing she didn’t like the thought of him going upstairs.

“Did I hurt you?”

“No, Lily, you didn’t hurt me. Next time a dick like Gaige tries to touch your ass again, try that move.”

Lily grinned back. “Okay.”

“We’re done for the day.”

“Thanks, Sir.”

Going for her bag, she picked it up before she hesitated a moment, twisting the handle of the bag in her hand. “Thanks for getting me to go get the seeds. I would have just avoided the room.”

“I know. Lily, let’s work on getting rid of the old fears before adding new ones. You’re completely safe at the factory and here.”

“I know that.”

“Good. I’ll see you Sunday.” He waited to see if she would say whether she would be going to the diner after church.

“All right.”

Shade smiled as he walked her to her car. She was walking with an added confidence she hadn’t had before. The lessons were boosting her belief that she would be able to defend herself. She would, too; he would see to it. He would teach her how to defend herself against everyone except himself.

* * *

Shade carried two pizzas and a six-pack up the walkway to Lily’s front door, pausing when he heard music coming from inside. Gazing around the neighborhood, he saw that most of the houses were dark before he stepped to the window and looked through to see Lily dancing around the living room.

He smiled at seeing her enjoyment and the sexy way she rolled her hips. Her sensual movements had his cock rising behind his jeans. Thank fuck she went into the kitchen at that moment.

When Shade went to her front door and rang the bell, Lily answered the door seconds later, wearing dark-blue fleece pajamas. He was going to have to have a talk with her about the fucking peephole.

“Move, Lily, before I drop the pizzas.”

Unlocking the door, Lily took a step back, letting him enter.

Shade came in, setting the pizzas and beer on the coffee table.

“What are you doing here?” Lily asked, closing the door before walking barefoot back to the couch.

“I thought you might be hungry.” Lily’s stomach grumbled. “Go grab us a couple of plates.”

She did as Shade told her then sat down on the couch as Shade opened the box, putting two slices on her plate. She immediately took a bite of the warm pizza.

Shade put two slices on his own plate and began devouring his. They ate quietly as Lily put a movie on for them to watch.

When he opened a beer, he felt her stiffen next to him, and the hand holding her pizza trembled as she lifted it to her mouth. Shade began to talk about the movie she had put on and the two others in the series. Eventually, she relaxed

back into the cushions after taking another slice of pizza. He thought she must have worked up an appetite with the dancing.

Shade opened himself another beer as he took another piece of pizza, seeing Lily crowd herself closer to the side of the couch, pinning her gaze on the television.

Her mother had used alcohol against her like a weapon, yet Shade wanted her to realize she could be around it and nothing would happen. The brothers were constantly drinking at the clubhouse, and he had every intention of her being there more often, so that was one fear she needed to overcome.

When he finished, he cleaned the table and put the beer in the fridge before relaxing back on the couch. The movie ended, and they argued about what to watch next.

Lily was through half of the second movie when she dozed off, her head on the side of the couch. Shade lifted her, laying her next to him. He kept his touch impersonal while, at the same time, wanting to hold her close as she drifted toward a deeper sleep.

“Go back to sleep,” he said with her stirring movements.

As her taut body relaxed against his with her bottom against his thighs, Shade held his breath, expecting her to wake up fully. He made sure to keep some distance, giving her personal space so he didn’t overwhelm her. He was giving her the illusion of safety while the wolf held her in his arms.

Her back fell against his chest as she sank into an exhausted sleep, the shadows under her eyes all the evidence he needed to know she hadn’t been sleeping well. His arm circled her waist as he pressed her closer.

He couldn’t remember the last time he had slept deeply. For the past three years, he would go to bed tired and aching for Lily, and then he would wake up tired and aching for her.

* * *

The couple sleeping on the couch didn’t move when the key opened the front door. Beth and Razer came to a stop in the doorway with the early morning sun just coming up behind them. The Last Riders were going to the diner for breakfast and they had stopped by, thinking Shade would be awake and might want to go with them; instead, they found them sleeping.

Razer silently closed the door, expecting Shade to wake. They took a step closer to the couch to see Shade was holding Lily clutched to him as if she was a precious treasure. His usually fierce expression was softened in sleep, and his face was turned toward Lily. She was lying, facing Shade, with her head on his shoulder, her hands on his chest, and her leg thrown over his.
