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“You’re the one who likes stuffed animals.”

Beth’s face was confused as she took it from Lily. Shade had to walk away from the group, returning to watch the men shoot while staying close enough to keep an eye on the women.

Gaige had destroyed something Lily had let herself want; as a result, she was giving the stuffed animal away before it was taken from her. Shade knew it was what she was used to happening.

With the game over, the women came back to watch the men. While Train and Rider were shooting at the targets, Shade stood next to Viper, both watching.

“Why don’t you take a turn, Shade?” Bliss asked loudly.

Shade shot her a look, which the small woman had no trouble understanding. Bliss was walking a fine line with him. She had been with the club long enough to have heard what job he had held in the military. She was trying to expose club secrets. He was growing tired of her attempts to draw his attention.

He felt Lily’s angry stare at him and knew she didn’t like that he wasn’t friendlier with Bliss. Fuck, if she knew the truth about their past, she would understand Bliss was playing games she had no chance of winning.

“Let’s go ride the bumper cars,” Bliss suggested.

The Last Riders made their way through the fair, stopping and riding a few rides and playing several more games. Then they all came to a stop at the ride where they would get on a seat and go to the top and then be released to swing in a large circle.

“I’m going to go get something to drink,” Lily told Beth, who was standing in line with Razer.

Shade, in line behind them, wasn’t surprised Lily wasn’t going to ride. He stood in line, keeping watch as she went to a food truck where she bought a drink and cotton candy then took a seat at one of the tables.

Shade got out of line.

“You want me to hold your place?” Razer asked with a snicker.

“Fuck you.” Shade moved away.

He saw Beth burry her face in Razer’s chest, her shoulders shaking. Those two had a warped sense of humor.

As he approached, Lily was delicately licking the sugar crystals from her lips.

Shade sat down on the bench next to her. “You don’t want to ride?”

“Not that one, I don’t,” Lily replied, smiling.

Shade surmised the cotton candy had put her in a better mood. It sure as fuck was doing things to him.

She sat, eating her candy as The Last Riders got on their ride. Lily watched them while he watched her eat the sticky confection with his cock steadfastly reminding him it hadn’t had a woman’s mouth on it in three months.

She looked at him inquiringly when he shifted closer to her. His eyes dropped to her tiny pink tongue as it swept the sugar crystals from her bottom lip. He was about to take the job over for her when she turned away, taking a drink of her soda.

A smile came to her lips.

“What are you thinking?” Shade asked.

She turned to him with a start, giving him a sweet smile. “I was just thinking how happy everyone looked, like they belong together. I can see you all care about each other.”

Shade turned to where she was staring. The Last Riders had gotten off the ride and were approaching, laughing and having a good time. He faced her again. He would rather watch her eat the cotton candy.

She tore another piece of the spun candy off. “You shouldn’t be so hard on Bliss. I think she has a thing for you,” Lily said, raising the confection to her lips.

Unable to take the temptation any longer, Shade’s hand snapped out, catching her wrist in a hard grasp.

“What did I tell you about me not being your BFF? Bliss knows exactly what I feel for her.” Shade brought her hand to his mouth where his tongue licked her fingers, taking the sugar off, and Lily shuddered, her eyes darkening.

Jerking her hand from his, she avoided his eyes. Then she got to her feet and dumped the cotton candy as well as the drink into the trashcan before making a beeline straight for Beth’s side.

Shade watched her run to Beth for safety with a small smile on his lips, the taste of her still in his mouth. Her attraction to him was growing, and he planned on fanning that particular fire until it became all she could think about. Until her desire became stronger than her fear.

He rose to follow behind the group, keeping a watchful eye on his club members. Lily didn’t stray from Beth’s side for the rest of the evening.

He had thought Beth would be his biggest opposition, but surprisingly, Razer was playing the big brother. Shade was willing to go along with it, for a while anyway.

He watched as she looked back over her shoulder then moved closer to Beth. His gut twisted as he wondered if she would ever turn to him over Beth, if he would be the one she looked to for protection.

They managed to hit all the rides and most of the food trucks before heading to the parking lot. On the way out, Shade caught Viper’s attention.

“I’ll catch up with you later.”

Once Viper sent him a curious look while he nodded, Shade went in search of one particular vendor, easily finding out there was only one which sold blown glass. The old man behind the table was polite yet wary. Shade was used to his appearance frightening some people, though.

“There was a young woman with long, dark hair and purple eyes here earlier tonight. She bought one of your pieces; which one was it?” Shade questioned, scanning the small figurines.

“It was one of a kind. I have something similar…” The old man began to reach across the table.

Shade shook his head, taking out his wallet.

“You make these?”

“Yes … but I only make one of a kind—” Again, he attempted to explain, but Shade cut him off.

“It was accidently broken.” Shade handed him several bills and a card. “Make me another just like it and mail it to the address on the card. When you do, I’ll send another hundred.”

“But this is more than enough.” The vendor counted the cash in his hand.

“Then it will give you the motivation to get it done before I change my mind, won’t it?”

Shade walked away when he nodded. Lily was never going to lose what she wanted ever again.

* * *

Shade walked nonchalantly into the jail cell Knox had opened. He leaned against the wall as Gaige jumped to his feet.

“I’m going to make it simple for you. Get your ass out of town and don’t come back.”

“I have a wife and kids!”

“This the same wife and kids you had when you were sticking your hand up Lily’s dress?”

“I was just playing around. If Lily told you any diff—”

Shade was on him in the next second, his fist punching him in the stomach. When he would have fallen to the floor, Shade jerked him up with his hands on his neck, throwing him to the wall then pinning him against it.

“You fucking coward, I will take your ass out if you say her name one more time. I don’t give a rat’s ass about your family any more than you do. When you get

out of here today, Knox will give you an envelope with some cash in it, and you will sign an agreement to keep your mouth shut. Do you understand me?”

Gaige’s face was turning purple, but he managed to nod his acknowledgement.

Shade finally released his throat. “Take your family and leave town, Gaige. If I ever hear or see you again, it will be the last time. I’m giving you enough money for you and your family to start over somewhere else. Do not make me regret my generosity.”

Gaige bent over, trying to catch his breath. “I won’t.”

“Good.” As Shade reached into his pockets, taking out his leather gloves, Gaige watched him with fear in his eyes.

“You really didn’t think I was done, did you?” Shade mocked. “You destroyed something of hers then left a bruise on her arm. I drove that truck you’re so proud of off Pine Mountain. Now, I’m going to break your fucking arm. Then we’ll be even.”

Chapter 44

Shade sipped his coffee, watching Lily and Beth cross the street in front of the diner. If Lily had turned to walk home again, he would have worried she was trying to avoid him after his move the night before.

“What has you so quiet?” Rider asked, sitting next to him at the table inside the diner.

Train and Cash quit talking to listen to his answer.

“Just wondering how many beers Razer and Viper drank before Lucky’s service so they wouldn’t laugh out loud during it.”

“You going to start going to church every Sunday when you and Lily get together?” Train questioned.

“What do you think?” Shade answered.

The table burst out laughing yet quieted when the women and Razer and Viper came in with their wives.

“Was the sermon good?” Shade asked sardonically.

Both men looked suspiciously at the brothers while they tried to hide their smiles. Shade noticed Lily took a seat between Razer and Winter at the end farthest away from him.
