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Lily slid into the bed next to him, her shy eyes going over his naked body.

“Come here.” Shade put his hand behind her neck, drawing her closer to him.

His mouth went to her breasts, grazing against the top.

“I don’t get a kiss?” she asked playfully.

Shade lifted his head, giving her a brief, hard kiss before returning to her breasts.

Lily burst out laughing. “You can’t do better than that?”

“Angel, these breasts are … I’m trying to think of a word that’s good enough to describe them.” His hand went to the tiny hooks that went down the lace corset, unfastening them. When he finished, he spread the corset apart. “Fucking magnificent.” He pushed one globe up, finding the tip with his lips. He sucked just the tip of the nipple into his mouth before releasing it. His hand then went to the other breast, grasping it before he lowered his mouth to the tip, sucking it into his mouth then releasing it. “Fucking gorgeous.”

“I take it you’re a breast man.”

“All men are breast men,” he replied, looking at her tits in awe. They were as good as her ass. It was hard to choose. Of course, since she was his wife, he didn’t figure he had to.

Lily stretched before her arms reached out to him. Shade bent down, covering her mouth with his, giving her the kiss she had wanted. She needed gentleness and tenderness from him, and Shade felt it as if she was screaming it at him.

Lily had pictured her dream wedding since she was sixteen, so she had to have envisioned her wedding night, as well. Shade wanted both of her dreams to come true. That morning, he had given her the wedding day she wanted; now he was going to give her the wedding night.

He parted her lips with his tongue, seducing her with the wildness of his taste and the gentle glide of his against her own. His mouth then went to her neck, exploring her flesh with tiny flicks of his tongue while his hand slid up her thigh, gliding straight to her pussy, finding her nub and rubbing it with strokes that were already close to making her climax.

“Shade, I need you,” Lily moaned, one of her legs rubbing against his as she tried to tell him what she needed.

“You’re not hot enough yet.” Shade moved his mouth to her breast again, taking her nipple back into his mouth.

“Yes, I am,” Lily disagreed.

Shade traced her opening, finding her damp yet not nearly enough to take him. Lily was an innocent to desire. When he touched her, she always laid still, never touching him back. He wanted her to see that making love was different than having sex.

Her hands left his shoulders, exploring every inch of his skin, discovering his body. He trembled when her lips grazed the flesh at the base of his throat as her fingers explored his muscles, smoothing over his body.

She grazed his nipples with her teeth and stroked his back when he shifted to lie between her thighs. He gently slid his cock deep within her, feeling her palms slide along his ribcage, circling his waist and holding him tight.

He felt her nipples brush his chest when she arched, lifting her hips to take him deeper. He lowered his body to her, giving her his weight slowly so he wouldn’t frighten her, crushing her breasts beneath his chest.

Shade gave her his body as he took hers slowly, wanting her to remember their night instead of the other times she was forced to lie under someone else. He wanted his kiss, his touch, his image to be the only one she would remember, so when any thought of sex came to her mind, she would remember tonight and only tonight. Their wedding night. Their first time.

Lily leaned her head into his and whispered in his ear, “I love you, John Hunter.”

His heart soared at hearing her words.

“Lily, I didn’t know a man could love a woman as much as I love you. I don’t deserve you, but I’m never going to let you go. I couldn’t survive without you in my life. I wouldn’t want to.”

He kissed her again as his thrusts increased, carrying them both into a climax which gave as much as it took. It gave them a way to express their love and took a part of their souls as it receded, crashing the two into one, forever entwined.

Shade rolled over afterward, pulling Lily onto his chest.

“That was beautiful,” she said, nuzzling his neck.

“Did you enjoy it?”

“Yes, I never expected … Yes, I enjoyed it a lot.” She laughed against his neck, sending goose bumps over his body.

“Good. That was for you. This time is for me,” Shade said, sitting up.

“What are you doing?” Lily asked curiously.

Shade slid out of the bed, picking her up and carrying her into the bathroom then down the three steps which led into the massive shower. He turned the water and music on, and the water began to pulse to the beat.

“Oh, heck no,” Lily said, giggling as she tried to get out of the shower. “I just blow-dried my hair.”

“I’ll help you when we get out, if I’m not too tired.” Shade’s hand went into her already-wet hair, turning her mouth up to his. His hand was already going for the lotions on the side of the shower.

“Lean up against the shower wall,” he ordered her after lifting his mouth away from hers and stepping away.

With a grin, Lily went to the wall, doing as told.

He opened the bottle of lotion, spilling some of it on his hand before reaching out and rubbing it into her tiny, black curls.

Lily tried to smack his hand away. “What are you doing now?”

“I’m going to shave you,” he answered, his hand returning to the tiny curls.

“Oh, no, you’re not,” Lily protested.

“Yes, I am. Now stand still or I’m going to go get my paddle. It’s my turn.”

Lily stood still, though Shade had seen her indecision.

Her safe word didn’t leave her mouth as his hand went to the shelf again, pulling out a long, old-fashioned razor.

“Let me do it. I’ll get a regular razor,” Lily attempted to stop him.

“But that won’t be any fun for me.” Shade went to his knees in the shower. “Don’t worry; I’m good at this. Not as good as Razer, but almost as good.” He scraped the first few curls away. “See. That didn’t hurt, did it?”

“What do you mean, as good as Razer?” Lily asked, his remark diverting her attention from what he was doing.

“This is how Razer got his nickname.” Shade scraped away even more curls.

“Eww, that’s TMI. I didn’t need to know that about my brother-in-law. Wait a minute; does Beth know how Razer got his nickname?”

“What do you think?” The wicked amusement in his voice was muffled with laughter.

“That’s definitely TMI, Shade. He used to shave the women in the house?”


“So you’re almost as good as him now. I guess I don’t need to know who took over for him, do I?” Lily asked snidely.

“Nope.” Shade spread her legs, one at a time.

When he finished, he took the showerhead, spraying the now clean-shaven pussy.

“Damn,” he said in appreciation.

“I thought you were a breast man?” Lily teased.

“I don’t play favorites.” She didn’t need to find out about his fascination with her ass yet.

“Let me do you now,” Lily said with saccharin sweetness.

“No, it’s—”

“Not my turn,” Lily finished for him.

“Angel, when it’s your turn, you can do anything to me you want,” he dared her.

“I’m going to hold you to that.”

That time, he used his mouth to divert her attention from the revenge she was planning for him. He buried his mouth in her pussy, sliding his tongue through the fleshy pink lips of her cunt.

Lily’s hand grasped the back of his neck, pushing him closer as his tongue teased the opening of her pussy, plunging deep inside of her then pulling out before plunging back in again. He tongue-fucked her until her thighs started trembling.

Dragging his to

ngue away with a final sweep across her clit, he stood up. He then turned her until she was facing the shower bench that was against one wall of the shower.

“Bend over,” he groaned, looking down at perfection.

Once Lily bent over, placing her hands on the bench, his hand on her back pushed her down farther until her head lay on her hands.

Shade rubbed the tip of his cock through the silky wetness of her pussy, sliding the long length between the lips. He placed the tip on her clit then slid it away, feeling her quiver. He changed directions on his next forward thrust, the momentum sending his cock tunneling through her cunt, burying himself deep within her. He leaned over her back, pushing himself inside of her to the hilt.

Lily screamed over the loud blast of the music as he pistoned inside of her, driving himself in and out until her screams became whimpers. His foot moved her bare feet, widening her stance. She wiggled her hips, trying to adjust to his cock, but he held her still. He wanted the head of his cock to brush her g-spot with every thrust.

“Stay still.” He found the tender flesh of her neck with his mouth. “I’m going to fuck you deep and long enough that you’re going to always remember tonight. I’m going to leave my mark on your pussy so you will never, ever doubt in your mind that you belong to me. Do you understand me?”

“Yes,” Lily gasped, tiny climaxes driving her back on his cock.

His hand slid around her ribcage then upwards, grabbing her breasts in a tight hold to pull her back onto his thrusting cock.
