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Placing my hand on her shoulder, I gave it a light squeeze. “It isn’t stupid at all. Listen, I’m headed to Joyce and Peter’s ranch, why don’t you come along?”

Dropping her head and looking up at me, Sierra asked, “You mean, Tristan’s parents’ ranch? Um . . . does he know you’re going to be there?”

“Ah . . . no?”

“Is that a fact or a question, Ryn?”

“It’s a fact. Joyce called me a few weeks back and invited me. At the time, I thought I would be using this as a trip to say good-bye to them since I wasn’t sure where things with Dodge were going.”

Sierra asked, “So, is it a good-bye visit?”

Taking in a breath, I quickly blew it out. “No, it’s not a good-bye visit. I just adore them and I don’t think I could say good-bye even if I wanted to.”

Picking up a leopard print boot, Sierra turned it over and let out a whistle. “Damn, that is one expensive ass boot.” Lifting her hand, she waved a sales associate over. “May I try this on in a size six and a half?”

Smiling, he took the boot and excused himself to go get it.

Looking at her, I giggled. “I thought you said it was expensive?”

“It is, but if my ex thinks I’m giving him half of my savings, he has another thing coming. I’ll spend it all first before I give that dick any of it.”

We both started laughing as the salesman brought out the boot. “So, has this time away from all men given you the space to clear your head?”

Dropping back in the chair, I moaned in frustration. “Ugh. Why is it that you can’t live with men and you can’t live without them?”

“Hmm . . . that is the golden question. If you find out, please let me know.”

“I do know that there could never be anything more between Dodge and I. I’ve already told him there would be no more . . .”

“Booty calls?”

Rolling my eyes, I glared at Sierra. “Whatever you want to call it. I think Dodge needs to move on and find someone who will love him like he deserves to be loved.”

Nodding her head, Sierra moved on from the subject of Dodge. “Are you going to tell Tristan you are going to visit his parents?”

“God no! I’ve been there a few times since we broke up. Both times his parents invited me and I couldn’t say no.” Smiling, I thought about the first few days I met Joyce. She had driven me insane, but I quickly fell in love with her. “Azurdee and Lark know I’ve been there.”

Standing up and walking over to a mirror, Sierra checked out the leopard print boots. “Why keep Tristan in the dark then?”

I didn’t really know why I had wanted to keep my relationship with his parents a secret from him. “I don’t know. I’m not sure how Tristan would feel about it. The first few times I went to visit them, I think he was still dating Liberty. That might have been awkward for him.”

Sitting, Sierra pulled the boots off of her feet, gave the salesman a wink and purred, “I’ll take them.” Smiling, the salesman almost did a fist pump. I would have too, especially when I saw they were three hundred and forty dollars. His eyes lit up when Sierra asked, “Do you think they would look good with a short dress?”

“Yes ma’am. I think they’d look good on you with anything you wore.”

Gag me.

“Oh . . . a man who knows how to worm his way into a girl’s heart. What else do you have for me? I’m in a spending kind of mood now,” Sierra said as she placed her finger in her mouth and gave him a seductive smile.

Before I knew it, we had a pile of shoes in front of us, and I swore if Sierra flirted with this guy one more time I was going to hurl. I had to admit, she had him eating out of her hand. It didn’t take long after he rang up her seven hundred and ninety-two dollar bill, for him to give her his cell phone number.

Walking out of Nordstrom’s, we were both loaded down with bags. Sierra tossed them all into the back of her new Audi Q7, another new purchase so her ex wouldn’t get any of her money.

Starting her car, she began to back up as I asked, “Okay, I have to know. Are you going to call him?”

Chuckling, she asked, “The sales guy?”

“Yeah, I mean he was hot as hell.”

“And like twenty. Call me picky, but I like a dick that has some wear and tear on it. Not one that is going to poke itself in and one minute later it’s retreating and takes twelve hours to recharge.”

Snapping my head over to her, I busted out laughing. “My god, do you actually hear the stuff that comes out of your mouth?”

Nodding her head, she smiled. “Tell me you don’t agree with me.”

“I didn’t say I didn’t agree, I was just wondering if you were interested is all.”

“Nope. I’m done with men. I’ll stick to my vibrators that do the job and I don’t have to worry about it sticking itself in another woman’s pussy, or playing head games with me, or wanting the money my father worked his ass off for. Yeah, vibrators all the way.”

I didn’t even have the words to say after that. Pulling out onto the highway, Sierra continued to talk. “Maybe I should get a T-shirt that says vibrators over men. I bet I’d sell a ton of those bitches.”

Giggling, I agreed. My phone buzzed in my purse and I pulled it out. “Crap, I missed a call from Azurdee. I’ve got to introduce you to Dee sometime. The two of you would hit it off really well.”

“Let’s plan something then.”

Smiling, I felt happy. For the first time in almost a year, my heart didn’t feel broken, my head wasn’t clouded with all the crap, and I had friends who I knew loved me and would be there for me.

“I’ll send Dee a text back and chat about making plans for something soon.”

Sierra gave me a thumbs-up and reached to turn up the radio. The drive back to my house was filled with loud music, laughing, and plans for a new year. It wasn’t lost on me that neither Sierra nor I mentioned men in those plans.

Pulling up to Joyce and Peter’s house, I put my car in park. My heart was racing and I wasn’t sure why. I had been here before, post Tristan, but something about this trip was causing my nerves to be on edge. I almost called Tristan this morning. I wasn’t sure what in the hell came over me, but I had his number pulled up and my finger hovered over it a good five minutes. I backed out and threw my bag in the car and headed to South Texas. Getting out of the car, I inhaled a deep breath.

“Oh man, clean country air.” I loved it here. More than I wanted to admit. The front door to the house creaked open. Joyce and MaryLou came running out.

“Kathryn! You’re here a day early!”

Giving them both a big smile, I walked up to them. MaryLou got to me first and gave me a big ole bear hug. Next was Joyce’s turn. She pulled me in tighter and whispered in my ear, “I’m so glad you came a day early.”

Pulling back some, I gave her a soft smile. “I hope you don’t mind. I just love it here and thought it would be perfect for me to catch up on some work I’ve been pushing off.”

“You know you are welcome here for as long as you want. Lark and Azurdee will be here in a few days as well. They’ve decided to come a few days early too.”

My heart dropped and I took a step back. “Tristan?”

Giving me that motherly smile of hers, she nodded her head. “He’s busy with work. They’re not letting him take off over the holidays. He’s very upset and insisted he would be here for Christmas, even if they fired him.”

Letting out a nervous laugh, I said, “Sounds like Tristan.”

“Let’s get your luggage; Peter is out checking the fences. We can get some girl talk in while he is working.”

Nodding my head and giving Joyce a wink, I turned and opened the backseat of my car. Reaching in, I grabbed the duffle bag I had packed and threw it over my shoulder. Reaching in again, I got my laptop case and my cowboy boots. “Wonder what Peter will be teaching me on this trip?” I asked as I rolled my eyes and shuddered to think what animal he would have me gut this time


Joyce, MaryLou and I talked for almost two hours before Peter walked into the kitchen. “Kathryn, why look at you. You’re hair has grown longer.”

Smiling, I stood. I didn’t want to tell Peter I had just gotten my hair cut. It was just to my shoulders and the sides were pulled up. Pushing me back, he looked me over after he gave me a bear hug. Nodding his head, he gave me a smile like none I’d ever seen before.

“Why do I get the feeling you are planning something in your head for me?”

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