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Nash: Janet needed more firewood brought

in. I’ll be right back. Janet also told me where the Christmas tree was. Want to set it up?

I couldn’t contain my smile if I wanted to. I loved that Nash was making the best out of being stranded.

Me: YES!

I headed to the kitchen to start some breakfast. The power was still off and the house was freezing. I turned and dashed up the back stairs and grabbed a white sweater from my closet before returning downstairs.

Using a lighter, I turned on the gas stove and lit the flame, then started to mix up some pancake mix. I wasn’t sure how the food was in the refrigerator, so I passed on that. Then it was on to figuring out how to make coffee with no electricity. I dialed Millie’s phone number.

“Hey, how is everything going there? Jack said you guys didn’t have any power out that way.”

“No, it went off yesterday, sometime in the night. Do you have power?”

“It was off for a few hours, but it’s back on now.”

“Ugh. Nash is bringing in more firewood for Janet.”

“Oh good, I was worried about her. So, Jack said you and Nash made nice.”

My cheeks blushed. “We’ve been making nice all over the house the last few days.”

Millie giggled. “Mom and Dad would freak if they knew you were having sex in their house. Tell me you did it in that damn trophy room!”

I laughed this time. “No. Nash was a hard pass on that one.”

“Damn. I can’t get Justin to do it either. Pussies. So? Is making up fun to do.”

Leaning against the kitchen counter, I sighed. “The most fun I’ve ever had in my life. It feels like we’re in our own little world with no one to interrupt us. We’ve talked for hours, made love for hours, learned so much about each other. I honestly think fate played a hand with this storm. It’s been so . . .”

“So what? Don’t stop with the deets now.”

“Amazing. Beautiful. Romantic. I’m not sure what word would describe it best. I’ve never met a guy who puts me first with everything, Millie. Even in bed he needs to make sure I’m happy first.”

She laughed. “You’re happy? You mean he makes sure you come first.”

My face heated again. “Yes. Sometimes more than once.”

“You lucky bitch.”

I chewed on my lip. “I am lucky. And I can’t believe I almost lost him.”

“Well, you didn’t, so don’t dwell on that. Think about the future. What will happen when you guys get back to Austin?”

“Nash mentioned moving in with me.”

“Wow! That’s a big step. Are you sure you’re ready for that?”

“I’m more than ready. Millie, he’s the one. The guy I want to spend the rest of my life with. The one I want to wake up to every single morning, and the one I want to fall asleep next to each night. I’ve never in my life felt this way. It’s like I can’t get enough of him. When we are together, I wish I could climb inside of him and say there.” I sighed and smile. “He holds me every single time after we’ve been together. Doesn’t matter if it was slow and romantic or fast and passionate. He doesn’t let go of me. Like he doesn’t want the moment to end. I don’t think he realizes he does it. Then, before he pulls out of me, he whispers against my ear, ‘I love you, baby.’”

Millie and I let out a dramatic sigh. “Gah, I wish Justin was romantic like that. I mean, he’s amazing in bed, don’t get me wrong. But once he comes, he rolls over and passes out usually.”

I chewed on my thumb nail, thinking back to a few hours ago when I was in Nash’s arms as he made love to me. Turning, I flipped the pancakes.

“How have you not run out of condoms?” She laughed. When I didn’t reply, she got silent. “Kaelynn, you didn’t.”

“What? I’m on the pill.”
