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Laughing, Blake shook his head and dropped onto the leather chair in the living room.

“Love you, Morgan,” I said, walking her out of the condo.

Once she was out into the hall, she leaned in and whispered, “When are you telling her?”


Her eyes danced with excitement. “I can’t wait. The weather is perfect.”

I nodded. “Yeah, thanks for helping Charlie and Terri plan it all.”

“Of course. I loved doing it for her. She is my best friend and the woman who happens to love my brother. There isn’t anything I wouldn’t do for either of you.”

Laughing, I leaned down and kissed her. “Right. Be careful and let me know when you get home.”

“Will do, but I have a date tonight, so I might be late getting home. I’m meeting him for dinner.”

“Who is it?” I asked, trying to use my best brotherly tone.


I smiled. “Y’all are dating again?”

She shrugged. “Yeah. I mean, he’s a good guy, and I thought maybe we were better off as friends, but we’re giving it another go.”

Morgan’s eyes were saying something different from her lips. She looked lost and confused, but I decided to let it go. She was a grown woman. Her blonde ponytail bobbed on her head as she laughed.

“You’re trying to read into it, Nash. Don’t. I like him a lot. I may even love him. We’re taking it one day at a time, so please don’t worry.”

“I won’t. Is work going good?”

“It’s going great!” she said, walking backward. “Stop stalling and go! Love you!”

“Love you, too!”

After shutting the door, I walked into the condo and found Blake arguing with Kaelynn about which channel to put on the TV.

“Why are you here, and why are you arguing with my girlfriend?”

Blake shrugged. “’Cause it’s fun.”

“Are you ready to go, idiot?” I asked, giving Blake a look that said I wasn’t in the mood.

“Where are you guys going?” Kaelynn asked.

“We’re all going somewhere,” I replied.

“Who’s driving?” Blake asked, pulling out an envelope from his briefcase and handing it to me.

Kaelynn looked between the two of us. “The last time you two exchanged an envelope, things didn’t turn out so good.”

I laughed then kissed her on the cheek. “I have a feeling this time things will be different. Grab your coat, baby, it’s cold outside.”

“Are we going to see Charlie and Tucker? I wish I would have known. I had a little gift for Hannah.”

Blake and I exchanged a quick look. “No, sorry, babe, not going to see them.”

Kaelynn’s phone rang. “Crapola, I have to take this really quick. It’s a client in New York.”
