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“Kaelynn, I know it’s hard, but you don’t have to run from who you are.”

My chin wobbled. “Mom, I’m not running from who I am. It’s just, it’s nice that no one knows who I am here. For once in my life I’m meeting people who like me for me. Not for my bank account.”

“Not all of your friends were that way.”

“No, that’s because they had big banks account too. The whole thing with Jason threw me.”

“Does Morgan know though? You two have seemed to become really close friends.”

I chewed on my thumbnail.

“Kaelynn, darling, you haven’t told her?”

“Would it make a difference, Mom?”

“Not to her, and that is what you need to realize. You’re holding back a part of who you are, and it’s going to come out, and not in a pleasant way. It’s always best to be truthful.”

“I’m not lying.”

She tittered. “No, I guess not. But you are hiding something from someone you claim to be your best friend.”

That familiar guilt started up again, making my head hurt slightly and my stomach ache.

My phone beeped with a text message. Pulling it back, I didn’t recognize the number.

“Mom, I need to go. That might be the real-estate agent trying to get a hold of me. Tell Daddy, Jack, and Millie I love them. Talk soon.”

“Be careful! Don’t be wandering around at night, and make sure Morgan knows if you’re going to look at houses with a boy . . . I mean, a man.”

I rolled my eyes but smiled at the same time. “My agent is a female and I told her. I love you, Momma. Talk soon.”

“Bye, darling. Think about what I said.”

“I will,” I whispered.

Once the call ended, I pulled up the text message and stared at it for the longest time. My stomach dropped.

Unknown: Hey there! It’s Charlie. I hope you don’t mind I got your number from the business card you gave Tucker. We’re all going out to a comedy club tonight and would love for you join us. I’m hoping to laugh this baby right out of the womb.

Charleston Monroe . . . or as she was now known, Charleston Middleton . . . was texting me. Inviting me out with her and her husband. My father would be so happy, and no doubt would be trying to get me to talk business. When I told him my plans for my career, I thought he was going to have a breakdown. Luckily though, Millie stepped in and decided she needed to be the next Whitaker to run the family business. My brother Jack and I were thrilled.

Staring at the text, I couldn’t help but wonder if Nash would be there tonight. I wanted to ask but knew that wasn’t the right thing to do. He made it clear last week . . . friends only. That was what I wanted as well.

Wasn’t it?

After storing her number into my phone and doing a little hop of glee, I replied.

Me: Hi, Charleston. Wow . . . how sweet of you and Tucker to invite me. I’d love to come.

Chewing on my lower lip, I hovered my finger above the little blue arrow that would whisk my reply back to her. With a deep breath, I hit it.

Almost immediately I saw the little dots bouncing on my phone. I couldn’t deny my excitement. I loved being friends with Morgan, but I had longed to make new friends and feel like I was settling in a bit more here in Austin.

Her reply popped up.

Charleston: First, call me Charlie. Second, of course! We can pick you up or meet you at the comedy club. If you plan to meet us, I would suggest taking an Uber. Parking is sort of hard to come by.

Me: I can meet you guys there.
