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“Of course it is, come back anytime. Charlie and Hannah will be here until probably tomorrow afternoon. If you want to wait till we’re home, you can as well.”

“Hell no. I want to meet the first little prodigy of our group before then.”

Lily turned and looked at Blake, who acted like he didn’t even notice the stare she gave him. I had to admit my chest ached seeing the pain in her eyes.

“Second, Pete is the first.”

Lily turned to Terri, a shocked expression on her face at what she’d said. “Thank you, Terri.”

Then she looked at me, and I focused back on Tucker. “I’m down for waiting.”

“Same here!” Terri said as Jim wrapped his arms around her.

Tucker pointed to them. “Y’all are next.”

Jim’s face turned white as a ghost. “Dude, let me get through the wedding first.”

Terri knocked lightly on the door to Charlie’s room before peeking inside.

“Y’all come on in. She’s in her happy place now that she ate and has a dry diaper on,” Tucker softly said.

As we walked in, I couldn’t help but smile as I saw Charlie holding the most beautiful baby I’d ever seen. Hannah was wrapped up in a pink blanket with a pink hat on top of her head, sleeping peacefully.

“Oh. My. Gosh,” Terri said, her voice cracking as she fought to hold back the tears.

“Want to hold her?” Charlie asked.

“Yes! Let me wash my hands,” Terri said, rushing into the bathroom.

I walked up and stared down at her. “My God, she’s perfect. Look at her.”

Charlie softly laughed and agreed. “Thank you, Nash. I think she is as well.”

Terri and Jim held Hannah first while I sat back and watched the entire scene play out. I couldn’t help but notice how insanely happy Tucker was, and I was glad for him. For years he had been in love with Charlie, and Charlie had been in love with him. They were both just too damn stubborn to admit what was right in front of them was their future.

I caught Charlie’s gaze and smiled.

“It’s your turn, Uncle Nash.”

Standing, I made my way over and held my breath as Tucker gently placed Hannah in my arms. She was so tiny and weighed next to nothing. She opened her eyes, and I swore it was like she looked into my soul.

“Hey there, precious girl.”

Hannah continued to stare up at me.

“Lord, you better watch out. Tucker, the girl knows a handsome man when she sees one,” Charlie jokingly said.

I peeked over at Charlie and winked before focusing back Hannah.

“Man, she’s really taking you in, isn’t she?” Tucker said, standing next to me. I lifted my finger and traced a light line down her tiny face.

“I’ve never seen anything so precious.” My voice cracked, and that caused Tucker to clear his throat and wipe his eyes.

“I can’t believe you made this . . . She has to be all Charlie, because you’re too damn ugly to have any part in this,” I added as the room erupted into laughter.

Tucker grinned and nodded. “Someday, man, someday.”

The ache in chest grew a bit more as I forced myself to nod. My mind drifted to Kaelynn, but I pushed it away as fast as it came.
