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Smiling, I wrapped my arm around his while he lifted the blanket up some. “It is.”

“Did you have to wait to open presents until after you ate breakfast?”

“No, we always opened them on Christmas Eve. When we were little, our parents of course spoiled us. As we got older, the presents decreased, which didn’t bother us at all. We made a new tradition to only buy each other three gifts.”

“Why three?” Nash asked.

“That was how many gifts Christ got.”

He kissed the top of my head. “I love that tradition. Are you going home for Christmas this year?”

“I am. I leave on the twenty-third.”

“How long are you up there for?”

“Probably a week. If I stay too long, my folks won’t want me to leave.”

“Have they been to visit you here in Texas?”

I stiffened, and I knew Nash could feel me tense.

“Yes. They were here yesterday. They left late last night.”

“Wow, quick trip. What did they come in for?”

Why did he have to ask so many questions? This wasn’t the place I wanted to drop my bomb on him.

The truth was the easiest thing to give him.

“They want to buy a place here, with me moving here and all. An investment, if you will, but a place they can come and stay if they want.”


I looked up at him and he was looking straight ahead. “What about you? Any family traditions?”

He smiled and I relaxed my body. He wasn’t going to ask any more questions.

“Just the normal ones. We always drink hot chocolate and roast marshmallows on Christmas Eve. My mom buys Morgan and me new PJs every year and makes us open them. Then makes us wear them for an annual picture.”

I covered my mouth. “No!”

Laughing, he nodded. “Yes. Then we all watch It’s a Wonderful Life. Christmas morning we wake up and open presents. Nothing grand, just small gifts we exchange. My mom always makes us something knitted.”

“That is so sweet! I want to learn to knit.”

He looked down at me. “You should learn. There’s all sorts of YouTube videos on how to do it.”

I nuzzled back against him, loving the way it felt to be near him like this. “Maybe I will.”

We spent the rest of the ride in comfortable silence. I wanted to enjoy the time with him. Just relaxing and not worrying about what the future held. I only wanted to worry about what this moment held. The rest would work itself out.

The driver came to a stop, and Nash clapped his hands together and started to rub them together sort of maniacally. “Let’s go get our spin on.”

Groaning, I folded up the blanket, let Nash help me out of the carriage, and begged the driver to let me stay with him.

“Come on, it’s fun.”

“Nash, I get dizzy easily.”
