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“What?” I asked, letting out a chuckle. “I don’t know what you mean.”

“Uh-huh. You have a lustful look in your eyes, Kaelynn. One I’ve never seen before. Who is it? Show me!”

I gave her a slight push. “Shut up! I do not. I have, however, spotted the hottest guy I’ve ever seen. We actually ran into each other outside the bathrooms earlier. Seems like a really nice guy. You must know him if he’s at your party.”

“Point him out to me,” Morgan demanded, standing up on her tippy toes.

My eyes went to the last place I had seen him. He was still there, still deep in conversation.

“There. The guy talking to Rich.”

Morgan’s face erupted into a full-blown grin. “The one in the blue shirt?” she asked for confirmation.

“Yep. Mr. Hottie McHot. I feel like I need to break out into a version of Janet Jackson’s ‘Nasty’ with the thoughts I had after I bumped into him earlier. Don’t judge me; it’s been a while.”

Morgan covered her mouth in an attempt not to laugh.

I sighed. “Geesh, listen to me. I sound like a pathetic woman who has gone way to long without sex. But I think I could get on board for sex with Mr. Hottie McHot.”

“It’s been that long, huh?” she asked.

I rolled my eyes. “You could say. He’s good looking, though, isn’t he? You should see his dimples. Lord, I’m a sucker for dimples. He has to be too good to be true, though. He was so sweet and kind, then add the good looks on top of it. He has to be either gay or married.”

Morgan focused back on him and shook her head as she finally let out the laugh she had been trying to hold in. “He’s not either. He is, however, one of the sweetest men I have ever known.”

My interest was piqued. “Spill it. Who is he and how do you know him?”

Morgan grabbed my arm and we started making our way through the crowd. She walked over to introduce me to him. A part of me wanted to stop her; I’d already had my dreams crushed by the last guy I dated. I made the mistake of taking him to meet my parents. Three days later, he dropped to one knee to ask me to marry him. His speech was one of a kind, definitely one for the keepsake books. He stated he hadn’t fallen in love with me yet, but he was pretty sure a trip to Europe, just the two of us, obviously financed by my resources, would surely do it.


The other part of me, however, liked the way this guy made my entire body tingle. The way I felt a fire deep inside my soul when he smiled at me. No man had ever made me feel that, and it sort of scared me. But not enough to keep from meeting him, though.

What was one more encounter with him anyway? We’d meet, talk a few minutes, then he would probably go after one of the women in here who were throwing themselves at guys like this.

“I can’t wait to introduce you!” Morgan shouted over the music, a giddiness in her voice I’d never heard. I couldn’t help but grin at her.

It didn’t take long for Mr. Hottie McHot to see Morgan pushing her way past people to get to him. As a matter of fact, they seemed to understand why she was trying so hard to make her way through the crowd, and they moved out of her way—think of Moses parting the Red Sea as a helpful visual—once they caught sight of who she was heading toward.

Oh no. If this was an ex of Morgan’s, I was going to hit myself.

“Hey, long time no see,” Mr. Hottie McHot said to me, and then looked over at Morgan with what? A look of adoration passing between them? “Same goes for you.”

When he leaned down and kissed her cheek, I tried not to feel jealous. Damn, I knew it. I pushed away that nagging feeling in my stomach that screamed I didn’t like that he kissed my best friend and not me.

“Nash, I understand you already met near the bathrooms, but now I’d like for you to officially meet my best friend Kaelynn.”

My mouth dropped open as my shocked look went from Morgan to Nash and back again.


Nash as in the brother Morgan always talks about?

The brother who had his heart broken by a woman who cheated on him, and from what I could tell from the stories, cared more about money than him.

With a smile that made my knees tremble yet again, Nash extended his hand. His dark hair looked messy, like he had run his fingers through it a lot since the last time I saw him. His eyes were so dark, and they danced with a little bit of mischief. It made me smile even bigger.
