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“Um, I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

“Trust me. It’s big enough that you could actually avoid Kaelynn for at least a week if you wanted to. Now, let’s get your stuff and head on out. There’s a storm coming. You landed just in time. They’re talking about shutting down the airport in the next hour or so.”

“Shutting down the airport? For how long?”

The girl shrugged, then gave me a wink. “A day, maybe a week. You never know with the weather up here. Come on, we have to get home before it starts really coming down.”

With a smirk, I shook my head and followed her out of the airport and through the parking garage. We stopped at a Lexus SUV where she opened the back so I could place my bag in.

“Just one small bag?” she asked.

“Wasn’t planning on staying long.”

This time she laughed. “Sorry to say, Nash Barrett, you’re going to be staying at least a few days. Do we need to stop anywhere?”

I drew my brows in tight and asked, “Stop anywhere?”

“Yeah, you know, like, Target? Do you need more underwear, a pair of sweatpants, a jacket? It’s cold here, and you clearly didn’t bring a winter coat.”

“I came from Texas; we don’t have winter coats.”

She stared at me, waiting for me to answer her. “Do you have a washer and dryer at your house? I can do my own laundry. I have three days’ worth of clothes; that’s plenty. I have a return flight booked in two days.”

Her hand went to her hip. “Okay, maybe you might want to think about getting some flowers.”

“For?” I asked, noting she had ignored me.

She rolled her eyes and waved her hands at me. “Are all men just . . . just . . .”

Smiling, I waited to hear her keep going.

“Never mind. Clearly you’re not here to ask her for forgiveness and to come back to Texas with you.”

Millie pushed a button, and the back of her SUV started to lower. She stormed to the driver’s side and slammed the door shut after getting in.

I closed my eyes and let out a breath, then whispered, “Why are all women so complicated?”

The drive from the airport to the Whitaker house wasn’t short. Millie drove toward the mountains, and I kept looking to the left where the sky was turning darker.

“Looks like that is a pretty bad storm coming.”


“I’ve never seen snow,” I said, laughing as I looked out at the snow-covered ground.

“You see it now.”

Facing her, I smirked. “You really don’t like me, do you?”

“What gave you that impression?”

I looked back out the front window. “Let’s see. I’m pretty sure I’ve heard you mumble ‘dick’ at least four times during the drive so far. You refuse to carry on a conversation with me, and I’m pretty sure, if given the chance, you’d like to do bodily harm to me.”

We both turned and looked at each other. The look of evil in her eye made me shudder.

“You know, I’m rich enough to hire someone to do the bodily harm to you and no one would ever know it was me. Hell, I’m rich enough to dispose of body parts all over the world without so much as an inkling that I had anything to do with it. So yeah, you should be worried.”

I laughed, then stopped when her brow raised and she stared out the windshield again.
