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Another bite of pizza was stuffed into his mouth as he nodded his head, chewed some, then swallowed. “Good. Let’s do some shooting after this.”

“Jack, he just got here, and I’m pretty sure he came to talk to Kaelynn, not shoot at paper guys with you.”

“Archery?” Jack asked me, ignoring Millie.

“I’ve bow hunted a number of times.”

A wide grin grew over his face. “Cool. Then we’re on for tomorrow. I’ll bring Jill with me so you can meet her. Millie, you bring Justin, and we’ll do game night or something.”

“That sounds like fun!” Millie said.

Kaelynn tossed her napkin onto the bar. “No, guys, no. We’re not going to have game night.”

“Why not?” the three of us asked. Kaelynn stared at me. “What if we . . . I mean . . . we haven’t even talked yet.”

I took a bite of pizza. “Are you planning on ignoring me until then?”

“Well, no.”

“Great, then I’m sure we can have game night with your brother and sister and all act like adults, no matter what happens between us.”

She stared at me and I wasn’t sure if she wanted to kiss me or slap the hell out of me. I’m thinking a mixture of both emotions, so I winked and her lip snarled.

Oh, she for sure wants to slap the hell out of me.

MILLIE BOUNCED OUT of the house and over to her SUV. Before she had a chance to get in, I grabbed her arm.

“You knew he was coming?”

She grinned. “I picked him up at the airport.”

“Why didn’t you tell me? Give me a warning or something? How did you even know he was coming?”

My sister shrugged and looked at her watch. “Morgan told me. I’ve got to run, sis. It’s already late, and Justin is expecting me.”

“Millie, you can’t leave me here alone with him.”

“Janet will be here.”

I rolled my eyes and sighed. “You know what I mean. Seeing him, it unnerves me. I want

to be angry with him, but my body keeps tell me to rub up against him like our cat used to do.”

“Oh, kinky, sis. I like this version of you.”

“You know what I mean. Not rub, be near. Feel him. Crap, I don’t know what I mean. When is Mom and Dad coming home?”

“In a week. Christmas Eve.”


I turned and started to pace, wringing my hands.

“Calm down. He’s here to talk. Don’t push him away; let him say what he needs to say and you say what you need to say. Act like adults.”

“I do act like an adult. It’s just, Nash makes me feel all . . .”

“Squishy inside? Like your tummy is dropping and your heart is floating helplessly around in your chest? You can’t find words when he smiles at you? Breathing can be a struggle when he’s to close and the thought of him touching you makes your body feel like it is on fire?”
