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Taking a few steps into the room, Janet stopped a few feet from me. “Forgive me if I’m about to speak on something I shouldn’t, but I’ve known you since you were a little girl, Kaelynn. I’ve also seen that look on your face many years ago on a younger version of me. Don’t give up on each other. Whatever it is that happened, don’t give up. That young man down there is clearly in love with you.”

I scoffed. “He’s angry with me, not in love, and he has a right to be, and from the sound of it, he’s now stuck with me for days. At least the house is big enough that we can avoid each other if we have to.”

“He flew all the way to Utah just to tell you he was angry with you?” she asked, one brow quirked up in question. “No, he flew here because he loves you. If it’s meant to be, it will be. It’s Christmastime after all!”

“Thank you, Janet,” I said, walking up to her and giving her a hug. “And thank you for thinking ahead on the food. I was afraid we would be living off of Jack’s frozen pizzas.”

She rolled her eyes. “Oh, there is plenty of that as well if you get to feeling like you want heartburn. I made a lasagna, and it’s in the refrigerator. There is also some potato soup in small containers in the freezer.”

The mention of lasagna made me think of our second date. The night Nash made me come by rubbing up against him. Jesus, that seemed like so long ago.

“Thank you,” I said, barely above a whisper.

Janet squeezed my hands, then turned and walked out of my bedroom. Glancing back out the window, I saw that Nash was gone. With a deep breath in, I squared my shoulders and headed down to the kitchen for breakfast.

Nash sat at the island, a large plate of pancakes sitting in front of him while Janet poured him orange juice.

“Where is Kaelynn?” he asked.

I slipped back around the corner and froze.

“She should be joining you. I let her know I made breakfast.”

“Is she okay?”

The concern in his voice made me place my hand over my chest. It felt like my heart was fluttering at the same time it was breaking.

“You will have to ask her.”

“Right, of course,” Nash stated.

“I’ll be taking the next few days off,” she said. “I hope that is okay?”

“Tell me you’re not going to try and leave with this snow coming down?” Nash asked.

“Oh no. I live in the small guest house next to the main house. I’ve worked for the Whitaker family for over twenty-five years. When they built this house, Mr. Whitaker wanted me to have a place for privacy. Kaelynn told me to take a few days off. She is such a sweet young lady.”

“Kaelynn is amazing. I’ve never met anyone like her.”

Janet chuckled. “One of a kind. People like that you don’t let slip away.”

I closed my eyes. Good Lord. Even Janet was butting in now. I took in a deep gulp of air and readied myself. Stepping into the kitchen, I tried to seem chipper.

“Good morning. It smells delicious, Janet.”

She beamed with pride. “I made your favorite. Pumpkin-walnut pancakes and peppered bacon.”

My stomach decided to growl at that moment, causing all of us to laugh. Peeking over to Nash, I tried not to let my eyes roam over him. He looked so handsome with the snow-kissed cheeks tinged with the redness of warmth returning to his skin.

“Hey,” I said, slipping onto the stool at the end of the bar.

Nash’s eyes brightened, and I couldn’t help the way my body tingled when I was near him.

“Good morning.”

“So, I guess you’ve heard the airport is closed. I’m sorry.”

His head tilted and he smirked. “Ready to get rid of me?”
