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“How could my own fiancé not know when my birthday is?”

“Don’t feel so bad, Blake. I didn’t know it either.” Kaelynn said, patting me on the arm.

“Dude, this is going to be epic. Trust me.”

“Trust you? You stole my truck, blindfolded me, and threatened to tie me up! You’re taking me to an undisclosed location, and you lied about your trip to Utah! That goes for you too, Kaelynn. You are both out of my trust circle!”

Nash laughed. “Epic, dude. Epic. Close your eyes, and take a nap.”

I turned to look at him, but all I could see was blackness. “Take a nap? Seriously?”


My head dropped against the seat, and I closed my eyes. “I hate you, Nash.”

I STARED AT myself in the mirror as Blake talked to me while Charlie attempted to put my hair up in what she called an elegant messy bun. I still wasn’t sure there was such a thing, but apparently there was.

Blake was currently giving me his correct birthdate, which I already knew, of course.

“Oh shit. I’m so sorry, Blake. I’m committing it to memory right now. Listen, I’ve got to go; my next patient is here. But I hope y’all have fun with whatever it is you’re doing! Just don’t let them miss their flight! I love you!”

I hung up and set my phone down.

My eyes met Charlie’s, and we both laughed. “Do you think he knows?”

“No. He bought it. He thinks I’m at work,” I replied with a smile.

“You don’t think he would suspect you would have your calls forwarded?”

“Nope. He thought it was a surprise birthday party at first, but now he truly sounds confused. Poor guy, I sort of feel bad he thinks I didn’t know when his birthday is.”

“He’ll get over it the moment he sees you.”

I focused back on myself in the mirror. Chewing on my lip, I prayed I wasn’t doing the wrong thing.

“Do you think he’ll be mad?” I asked.

“I wasn’t mad when Tucker did it for me. I was over the moon.”

“I wish Terri and Jim could have been here,” I said.

Charlie leaned down and put her face next to mine. “I know how much you wanted them here.”

Terri and Jim had taken a family vacation with Jim’s parents to Europe. They were supposed to be back two days ago, but Jim had jumped off a wall in Rome and landed wrong. He broke his ankle and ended up needing surgery. They missed their flights back and wouldn’t be heading home for anothe

r week.

“What terrible luck,” I said.

Charlie went back to putting small white flowers in my hair.

“There. I think we’re done. Do you like it?” Charlie asked with a wide smile on her face.

“I love it. I can’t believe I’m doing this. I am surprising Blake with a wedding.”

There was a knock on the door that caused me to jump. Charlie called out, “Come in!”

I looked through the mirror and saw Rick.
