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When I walked into the cave’s main cavern, I gasped at the sight before me. Rick and Tucker had candles and small bouquets of flowers placed around the cavern, and the lights the most breathtaking shadows. It was so romantic looking I was overcome with emotion.

“I’m speechless. I remembered it being beautiful down here, but this is . . . it’s so . . .”

My eyes burned with the threat of tears.

Charlie wrapped her arm around me. “Do not cry. I’m already stressing about your hair down here in this cave! I can’t deal with makeup issues!”

Laughing, I dabbed at the corners of my eyes.

Tucker gave me a hug. “Are you happy with everything?”

I looked around the large open area of the cave, taking it all in. At the end of the open cavern was an archway that was covered in the most beautiful array of flowers I had ever seen. Candles outlined the area where Blake and I would stand and exchange our vows.

“It’s all so beautiful. You guys did such a great job.”

Glancing over to Charlie, Tucker’s smile grew wide. “I wish Rick and I could take the credit, but Charlie and Kaelynn came here a week ago and took pictures. They got with the florist and worked out all the details.

I turned to face Charlie. “Y’all did that for me?”

She nodded.

Now the tears did come, and there was nothing I could do to stop them.

“No! No, no, no! Do not cry! Hanky! Stat!” Charlie cried out.

“They’re here!” Rick said as he rushed past the three of us and headed out of the cave. Right then the pastor from the church I had grown up in made his way into the cavern with one of the park employees.

“Well, I have to say I’ve married people in some pretty cool places, but a cave is the first for me.” He wore a smile, but it dropped when he saw me crying.

“Morgan, sweetheart.”

“I’m okay, honestly. I feel so loved right now.”

Pastor Cole wrapped me up in his arms. “You are loved, my dear. Now, take a deep breath.”

I did as he said.

Charlie had magically pulled a compact from somewhere in her dress and was dabbing it around my eyes.

“Thank God for waterproof mascara,” she said.

“Amen,” Pastor Cole added.

The park employee cleared her throat. “I’m going to go on up to walk your other bridal party member down.”

“Thank you so much,” I said, pulling myself together. This was it. Kaelynn was on her way down, and Blake would be right behind her.

What if this was too fast? We hadn’t even talked about the wedding yet. Hadn’t set a date. Maybe he wanted a long engagement. Or a big wedding. I hadn’t even thought that it might be important to Blake to have his father and brother here. Then I remembered the night of our engagement. Blake wanted to run off and elope. The memory calmed my nerves some.

“I can’t wait to see Blake’s face when sees you!” Charlie said, excitement filling her voice as she and Tucker exchanged a loving glance.

My hand came up to my throat as I tried to smile and ignore my racing heart.

Oh no. What have I done?

NASH WAS LEADING me into a building as Kaelynn whispered something to someone behind me.

“Nash, I’m going to go on in,” she said a moment later.
