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I chewed on my lip and looked down at our hands. “It was just seeing you with Emma. It turned me on.”

His finger went to my chin and lifted it so our eyes met. “And?”

“And I think I want to start trying for a baby. Unless you think it’s too soon.”

The way he smiled had me daring to hope he wanted that too.

“I don’t think it’s too soon. I was going to surprise you with this, but I can’t keep it to myself anymore. It’s time we went our honeymoon. You know how I told you to keep that week in November free?”

I nodded.

“I’m taking you to Canada. There’s a hotel there that we used to go to every year. I loved it there, and it was one of my mother’s favorite places. I want to take you.”

“Blake, I would love to go.”

He winked. “Good, because I already bought the plane tickets and booked the hotel.”

Laughing, I unbuckled and leaned over so I could kiss him.

“Do you have any idea how happy you make me?”

“I hope really happy.”

“Really, really happy.”

He winked and kissed me on the nose. “Two reallys? Damn, I’m doing something right.”

“Yes, you are. Now let’s go home so you can make love to me.”

“What about the starting the family thing? Should we start now? What about your practice?”

I swallowed hard. “I’ve been thinking about how it would work with my practice. There’s a girl I went to school with who’s also a wonderful painter. She has been working for a nonprofit and is ready to leave and start building up her own practice. The thing is, she only wants to work part-time. I’m still not carrying a fulltime load, but my practice is growing. I think bringing her on and having her start would be perfect. Once the baby came, I could work the days I want to, and Natalie could work when she wants.”

“You’ve talked to her about this?”

I looked down sheepishly. “I wasn’t trying to plan something behind your back, I swear.”

“I know that.”

Glancing back up to meet his gaze, I blew out a breath. “You’re growing your business with Nash, and I truly love what I’m doing. But I also want to be there with the baby, so I think for now I would like to keep working on my practice and maybe in a few years consider pulling back even more.”

“You wouldn’t give it up, would you?”

“No. I don’t think so. I love it. But I see what an amazing job Charlie does balancing work and motherhood. I know I could do that too, but I’d like to leave the door open for possibly just being mommy and wife.”

Blake placed his hand on the side of my face. His thumb swept lightly over my cheek. “You know I will support you in whatever you decide to do. Even if you want to change one of the rooms in your office to a nursery and hire a nanny so the baby can be there while you work.”

I stared at him, letting his words sink in fully. “You would do that?”

“Of course I would. There isn’t anything I wouldn’t do for you, Morgan.”

“Thank you for loving me like you do, Blake.”

His mouth curved up into a gentle smile. “This is just the beginning, princess.”

One month later

MY HANDS WERE sweating as we got out of the rented SUV and headed into the hotel. My nerves had been shot the last week while I tried to plan everything and keep it from Morgan, all while acting like this was just a delayed honeymoon.
