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“Being in love must make him soft,” Rich said.

I hit him on the chest again. “Shut up, and tell the driver to go to Sedotto! Fast!”

Kaelynn cleared her throat and said, “Maybe that isn’t such a good idea.”


“Just trust me. I’ll text you all the details. Bye.”

“Wait! Kaelynn! Kaelynn!”

The line went dead.

I stared at the phone and then looked at Rich. “She hung up on me.”

Rich took my hands in his. “Listen, I think she’s right, Morgan. You need to let Blake and Nash talk this through.”

“But what if—”

“What? Blake tells him the truth? You have to let him do this on his terms. Please trust me on this, Morgan.”

My hand went to my forehead. I was getting a headache. “I don’t honestly know what Nash will do. And Blake said things to me tonight that had me so confused. He told me he hasn’t been able to catch his breath since he first saw me. But I also know he’s keeping something from me, Rich.”

“Like what?”

“I don’t know. It’s something that is troubling him.”

Rich gave me a warm smile. “Morgan, I’m going to guess this relationship with Blake has been a whirlwind. Take a breath, and just let things happen. It’s okay to not tell each other everything right at the very beginning. Blake will open up to you, if he really is keeping something in. Just give him time.”

“Do you know what he told me tonight? He saw a therapist for anger issues. That the therapist told him caving would be a great escape. He still does it. He did it this morning. What if I can’t help him? What if he doesn’t trust me, and I can’t—”

Rick put his finger to my mouth. “Stop. Blake is not Mike. Get that into your head right now.”

I wiped a tear away. “I know.”

“Do you? Because what I’m hearing from you sounds like you’re trying to save him from a problem you aren’t even sure exists. Take a deep breath, and let Blake and Nash talk.”

Sweat started to bead on my forehead and neck.

“Is it hot in here?” I asked, cracking the window and taking in a few deep breaths of fresh air. My body was beginning to ache, and my headache was growing worse by the second.

“Why would he ask to talk to Nash tonight?”

Laughing, Rich pulled me close to him and let my head rest on his shoulder.

“Love makes us do crazy things.”

“Love?” I whispered. “That’s impossible, Rich. Blake Greene is not in love with me.”

“I think you’re wrong. And I wasn’t just talking about Blake, Morgan.”

I had been home an hour, changed out of my gown, and took a hot shower. Now I was pacing my living room, waiting for Kaelynn to text me. Everything Blake had said ran over and over in my head. One minute I was swooning over his words, the next I was confused.

When my doorbell rang, I jumped. Glancing over to the TV screen Nash had set up with the security cameras, I saw it was Kaelynn.

“What in the world?” I said, rushing to the door.

“Kaelynn, you shouldn’t be out this late!” I said, pulling her into the house and shutting the door. She was carrying a bag of Blue Bell ice cream. My head was still killing me, even after I had taken three aspirin.
