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Shit. Maybe he didn’t talk about Mike because it was too hard.

You’re a dick, Greene. Way to go.

“It was hard. Mike was a good guy. He had his share of faults, but we all do. We had a pact, the guys in our unit. If anything happened to any of us, we would watch out for his girl and his family. Keep in touch. I’ve failed Morgan a few times and gone radio silent, but I always kept her in my thoughts and prayers.”

Morgan reached across the table and took his hand. He smiled, but he didn’t seem bothered when she pulled her hand away.

“Well, I’m glad you made it through safely. Thank you for your service,” I said.

A wide grin erupted over his face. “Thanks, dude. I like you. I was worried I wouldn’t, for obvious reasons, but you’re good people.”

Morgan leaned into me. When I looked down at her, she stretched up to brush her lips over mine. I wanted to deepen the kiss to show everyone this woman was mine, but I settled for the chaste peck.

When I looked back at Jarod, he was looking away, deep in thought.

My gut still told me something was off. For now, I would keep my eye on this guy, especially if he did get that job.

THE FIRST DAY of May was always my favorite. It meant the end of spring and the beginning of summer. The thought of spending more time with Blake doing fun things like camping, taking trips to the beach, and hiking some of my favorite state parks made me feel giddy inside.

After cleaning up the art room, I made my way into my office. I entered all my patient notes into their files, backed up my computer, and got ready to leave. Blake would be working late tonight, so I was picking up takeout and heading back to his place.

As I opened the door of my office, I let out a small scream.

“Jesus! Jarod, you scared me to death.”

The smile on his face told me he had good news. He’d been here for a week now, negotiating the logistics of his new job.

“I signed the contract!”

“That’s wonderful!” I exclaimed as he picked me up and spun me around. That had always been something he did, ever since the first moment Mike had introduced us. Mike said it was just his thing.

“We need to celebrate. Are you and Blake free?”

I chewed on my lip. “Blake has to work late tonight. He’s put in his notice to leave the company he’s with so he and my brother can start their own architectural firm. I guess they’re trying to get as much out of him as they can before he leaves.”

“That sucks. Would he mind if we got something to eat and grabbed a beer?”

With a small shrug, I replied, “I don’t think so. I’ll send him a text and let him know. Anywhere you’d like to go?”

“How about Pinthouse? I heard they have great beers on tap.”

“Sounds good. I’ll follow you over there.”

Before I started up my car, I sent Blake a text.

Me: Hey! Jarod stopped by my office to invite us out for pizza and beer to celebrate him accepting the job. If you get off in time, we’ll be at the Pinthouse on South Lamar.

I stared at my phone, waiting for Blake to message me back, but he didn’t. He must’ve been in a meeting.

An hour later I was laughing so hard I could hardly breathe.

“Oh hell. I forgot how crazy Mike was.” Jarod said, taking another long drink of his beer. “Let me get you another one.”

I was feeling the effects of my one beer. “No, I’m good.”

“Come on, I know you’re not a lightweight, Morgan. And we’re celebrating. Besides, if you drink too much, Blake can give you a ride home.”

I chewed on my lip as I pulled out my phone. Nothing from Blake. It was so odd he hadn’t text me back.
