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I lifted my hand in a wave. “Call me if you want to go tomorrow. We could meet at the park around nine.”

He lifted a hand and replied, “Sounds good. Night, Blake.”

“Thanks again for seeing her home.”

I couldn’t help notice how sharp Blake’s voice sounded. Once the door shut, he turned back. He reached for his tie and undid it, pulling it out from around his neck and casting it to the floor. Then he pulled his shirt out of his dress pants.

My breathing increased, and I followed his lead, undressing while I walked backward toward my bedroom. By the time we reached the room, we were both naked, I was in his arms, and Blake was sliding into me, taking me to a euphoria only he could summon.

“FOR FUCK’S SAKE, is this really their first date?” I asked, staring at Jarod and his date, Renee.

“I think they’ve talked a few times, but he said last night he would ask her out, so I’m guessing yes,” Morgan replied.

We both stared at the couple. They were sitting on a rock, heavily petting each other while kissing.

“I mean, there are kids around, and I’m worried he’ll fuck her right on that rock.”

Morgan laughed and hit me lightly on the stomach. Then she pulled me by the hand to lead me down a path.

“Come on. Let them fend for themselves. I want to enjoy this beautiful day, not watch them make out.”

We walked down the path hand in hand. I loved being with this woman so much that I couldn’t understand how in the hell I had survived before her.

“I bet you’re ready to be done and out of the firm. They’re working you to death.”

With a sigh, I nodded. “Yeah. Wednesday is the last day. I gave them plenty of notice, and I’ve finished up or passed along all of my projects. Now the asshole is just being a dick.”

“That’s a shame. You’ve done so much for his company.”

“It doesn’t matter. I’m excited about working with Nash. I think the two of us are doing to do great things together.”

She smiled. “I don’t think it; I know it.”

“I told Nash I wanted to take a little time off before I hit the ground running with him. I was hoping maybe we could spend time together. I know you still have to work, but at least I can have dinner ready and waiting for you when you come home.”

Morgan’s eyes lit up and she let out a soft giggle. “I like the sound of that.”

I cupped her face and kissed her ge

ntly. Her arms wrapped around my neck as her body pressed against mine.

God, she drove me mad with desire. Mad with love.

“Y’all ready to head on out?”

The sound of Jarod’s voice caused us to slowly pull away, but not before I looked deep into those beautiful eyes and said, “I love you.”

Her teeth dug into her lower lip while she smiled sweetly. “I love you too.”

We turned around, and the way Jarod looked at me was startling. His eyes were dark, and I couldn’t tell if it was anger or jealousy I saw. Maybe it was hard to see Morgan with another man besides Mike.

“Y’all want to join us for dinner, or are you in a hurry to get back?” Morgan asked.

Renee shrugged. “I’m good with dinner.”

Jarod agreed, and we met them at Z’Tejas, where Morgan and Jarod soon got lost in stories of times they spent together when Mike was still alive. I didn’t mind; I was glad she could surround herself in good memories, but it left Renee and me sitting there awkwardly with our drinks. We tried to strike up a conversation or two on the side, but couldn’t find much common ground. When an hour and a half had passed with only Jarod and Morgan talking, I had pretty much had enough of being left out of the conversation, and so had Renee.

She cleared her throat loudly to get Morgan’s and Jarod’s attention. “Maybe you two would like to continue this evening alone while Blake and I head on out?”
