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The instant ache in my chest nearly had me letting out a sob.

“You knew Mike and Lynn were having an affair after Lance died.”

He nodded. “When Nash and Butch called to tell me about Mike’s death, they asked me if I knew about him seeing anyone. I didn’t come out and say I did, but I mentioned Lynn.”

My body trembled. I wasn’t sure if I should be angry or sad.

“Did you know she ended up getting pregnant and giving Mike an ultimatum? Her and the baby or me.”

He shook his head. “I didn’t know she was pregnant. Mike didn’t tell me that. He came to me a few days before he went back home. Told me things had changed with Lynn and that he had to tell you the truth. When you didn’t mention it in your letters, I figured he hadn’t said anything to you.”

“Mike confessed to an affair in the suicide note he left. That was all.”

“I’m so sorry, Morgan. I asked him if he was okay. We talked about how he was feeling confused about it all. He said he felt guilty for lying to you, but if I had thought for one moment he was going to do what he did . . .”

I stood and turned away from Jarod. My arms wrapped around my shaking body.

“You knew, and all these years you said nothing. Why?”

“I’m your friend. I care about you. What difference would it have made?”

Jerking back around, I gaped at him. “What difference would it have made? I thought it was my fault. I couldn’t figure out why I couldn’t make him happy. For all these years I’ve been blaming myself because a bunch of selfish goddamn men couldn’t tell me the truth!”

Blake appeared in the door. “What’s going on?”

Jarod let out a heavy breath and turned around. Blake’s eyes narrowed when he looked at me. “Are you upset? What did he do to you?”

“He did nothing . . . well . . . not really.”

“What in the hell does that mean?” Blake demanded, taking a step closer to Jarod.

“He’s been confessing,” I spat out.

Blake raised an eyebrow. “About what?”

Another long sigh escaped Jarod. “I told Morgan the truth about Mike.”

“The truth,” I bit out. “You exposed the lies, you mean? Turns out Mike wasn’t only cheating on me with Lynn, but several women, even before he joined the army.”

Jarod took a step closer. “Morgan, I didn’t mean to upset you.”

I trembled from head to toe. “What in the world would you think would happen, Jarod? Why did you push Mike to Lynn?”

“You deserved better than him.”

My eyes widened in disbelief. “What are you saying?”

“I’m saying I care about you, Morgan. I always have.”

I slowly shook my head before I whispered, “I think you should leave now.”

“That’s a good idea,” Blake agreed.

With a nod, Jarod started for the door. “I’m so sorry, Morgan. I never meant to hurt you.”

I turned and faced the back window. Birds flew across my backyard, looking for spots to land on the feeders. The sight calmed my soul, but not much. I needed to get out of here. Away from all of this. I needed to think.

Once I heard the door shut, I felt Blake’s presence behind me.
