Page 51 of Adrenaline

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I knew my comment about finding another therapist pissed him off. I saw it in his eyes. I can do this. I can help him. I just need to pray and ask God to help me with these confusing thoughts I’m having. After looking over all the medical information, this job no longer was about the money. It was about helping Malcolm and I knew I could.

My cell phone went off as I pulled it out of my shorts.

Annie: Waco? What in the fuck are you doing in Waco?

I rolled my eyes as I let out a chuckle.

Me: It’s paying me really well. Plus I’m staying at a damn mansion and my patient happens to be utterly handsome.

Annie: Have you fucked him yet?

My smiled dropped. What in the hell? Does everyone think I’m a slut?

Me: Just three times last night and twice this morning.

Not a minute later my phone rang.


“Are you kidding me? Tell me you’re kidding because I know you and you wouldn’t mix business with pleasure.”

With a giggle, I replied, “Yes, I’m kidding. Gesh. Do you really think I’m that much of a slut?”

Starting to walk, I could see Malcolm’s house. I swear his driveway was at least a mile long.

“Okay, well tell me why you’re there. Is this guy like a germaphobe who won’t leave his house?”

I nibbled on my lip nervously. “No. I kind of knew him before he had his accident.”

“Oh . . . this just got very interesting. Who is he?”

I lifted my hand up and waved her off like she could see me. “No one you would know.”

“Try me. You’d be surprised.”

“Malcolm Wallace.”


Pulling my phone out, I checked to make sure the call hadn’t dropped. “Annie?”

“Malcolm Fucking Wallace? You’re staying at Malcolm Wallace the NASCAR driver’s house? In Crawford? His ranch?”

I pulled my head back in surprise. “Since when did you become a NASCAR fan?”

She let out a roar of laughter. “Since I saw him at one of my father’s benefit dinners. Holy fucking cow bells. Paislie, that guy is hot as hell. Where did you meet him and why didn’t you tell me?”

“Um . . . well, I met him at a race in Vegas. Trey had VIP tickets and I literally ran right into Malcolm. We got to talking and I don’t know, we hit it off. Then he sent me a ticket to the Texas race and I kind of had dinner with him one night and was there when he had his accident.”

More silence.

“You there?” I asked.

“I. Hate. You.”

Pressing my lips together, I shook my head as I tried not to start laughing. I knew she would be pissed I kept her in the dark about Malcolm.

“Do you know why I hate you, Paislie?”
