Page 101 of Innocence

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The choice is yours. Live your life.

Don’t stay out of fear or the need to be near our home. Kenzie, I‘ll be with you wherever you go. The world is a big beautiful place despite what you’ve been taught. Embrace it.

The things I showed you in secret and asked you to never tell anyone—dancing, painting, birthday parties, and stories—are from the outside world. If you decide to leave, you’re going to be frightened, but you’re strong enough, sweetheart.

I know you have more questions than I’ve given you answers to. You may never get all the answers you seek and I’m sorry for that. If I had the time to write everything out, I would have. But, I know you’ll adapt and be fine.

Remember, do what your heart tells you, not your mind.

I hope you know, even though my actions don’t necessarily make sense, that I love you with my entire heart. You and your father were my everything. Live your life Kenzie. Make your choices.

Be Free.

I love you forever and always.


First National Bank

Box # 158

College Avenue

Fayetteville, Arkansas

As I finished reading, my breaths were coming in and out nearly ragged as I tried to process everything quickly. There wasn’t much time to decide.

The sun was almost gone and the routine of burning the candle at my bedroom window came to the forefront of my mind. We were to light a candle that burned anywhere for two to ten hours every night until the flame died out. It signified that our time here on Earth was limited and to always focus on the flame burning as you never knew when it could vanish. I raced down the ladder, abandoning my letter on the floor. I made it to the drawer and calmly put the candle in the window and lit it solemnly like I did every night. One of the Watchers would walk down the street, making sure everyone had their candles out. I stood there like I always did and watched the flame dance for a couple of minutes, imagining two figures dancing. One evening, as the last of the sun’s rays came through the attic window, mom showed me how to dance in the attic. I treasured those memories.

I took a step back and drew the window sheer down a safe distance from the flame. Turning away, I walked toward my bed. If someone was watching, they’d assume I was exhausted, which I was, and turning in from my day of grieving.

My mom is gone.

Every time I thought about it, my heart shattered a million times more. Now, I had the weight of the truth bearing down on me. I still wasn’t sure if I fully comprehended the consequence of what my decision would entail. The unknown scared me. I was running out of time to decide.

Did I stay or go?

Did I choose to be free or confined?

Did I leave the only place I knew as home?

TO EVERYONE WHO WAS PART of the process, thank you for all you did to make this possible. Mad love for each and every one of you guys.

To my editor, Nichole, thank you for putting up with all my many questions and making the story shine. I can’t wait to work with you on our next project.

To my formatter, Christine, thank you for the beautiful formatting job. You always blow me away with your concepts.

To my amazing photographer April Park, it is truly an incredible experience to watch you with a camera.

To Abby, Calvin, Sylvia, and Clover, thank you for being part of the cover process. That was an amazing experience to be a part of. I’m still swooning.

To my Betas—Brandy, Kelly, Nikola, and Anna, thank you for all your honest feedback. It means the world to me.

3K’s and a J—Karen, Kelly, and Jenney, you guys mean the world to me. Thank you for always being there.

To the Korner, thank you for always putting a smile on my face. You guys are amazing and I’m lucky to have you guys in my life.
