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“Safe? Is she a ninja? Safe from what?”

I don’t know why I ever bother to talk to Finn about my relationship. He’s had a string of one-night stands since he was fourteen, and has zero concept of commitment or love. I keep hoping that, one day, he’ll meet the right chick and fall in love, and experience it like the rest of the world, but so far, no dice.

Turning back to him, I hold his arm down and continue his sleeve. “I mean content. That kind of safe. Like, I know she won’t hurt me or blow my friends. I can trust her.”

“Speaking of blowjobs, where’s the chick that used to work at the front desk?”

Ugh, Dana worked here for a little while and seemed to think that offering sexual favors to our customers was part of her job description.

“I fired her.”

“Well, shit. That new babe working the front now is even hotter, though. I gotta get me a piece of that.”

I freeze and glare at him. “That’s my younger cousin, Rayne, asshole. Don’t you go near her.”

“What the fuck, cock-blocker.”

Sighing, I try to divert his attention. “Anyway, I’m going to propose this weekend, I think. I just have to organize something really cool.”

He tilts his head. “You could jump out of a plane together and propose in mid-air.”


“You could tie the ring around your dick and tell her to blow you, and when she gets down there, kabam!”


“You could send her on a treasure hunt. Like, give her clues that she has to solve, and at the end, there you are. With the rock. Boom.”

I nod slowly, wondering how crazy I am for even considering any idea that comes out of Finn’s head. “Hmmm . . . that’s actually not a bad idea. I’ll think about that one.”

“The plane and the blowjob sounds much cooler to me, man.”

Rayne pokes her head around the curtain, and I wave her in. “What’s up?”

“I was gonna order lunch. Do you want anything from the café?”

“Just my usual latte, thanks. Get Finnster one, too, and take some money out of the register.”

She turns on her heel, but Finn stops her. “Hey, baby, wait a sec. If I was gonna propose to you, would you rather jump out of a plane with me and get the ring mid-air, or find it tied around my dick?”

I laugh as she curls her lip at him. “Um, neither?”

Finn feigns a pouting face at her. “What? I’m not good enough for you?”

I watch in horror as she smiles shyly at him. “I’m only nineteen. I don’t even want to think about marriage until I’m like forty.”

“Yes!” he yells. “Perfect answer. You are the woman of my dreams.” He winks at her, and I hold back from punching him, even though I really want to pummel his face for flirting with my sweetheart of a cousin. “Now, you hafta marry me” he says. “When you’re forty, of course.”

I point to the door. “Rayne. Out. Get lunch. Do not provoke him.”

She giggles and skips out, leaving me to glare at my best friend. “Dude. Don’t even think about it. She is off limits. Period,” I warn.

He stretches his arm out, and I start the design on the top of his hand that will extend down his fingers. “Why? She’s legal. And she’s fucking hot.”

“Are you dim? Do you know who she is?”

“Your hot cousin? What else is there to know?”

“She’s the little sister of like everyone in Ashes and Embers. Storm and Asher would kill you if you went near her. Not to mention ruin your career.”

He lets out a low whistle. “Fuck. I didn’t realize she was related to all them.”

“Yeah. So forget it. She can’t be one of your playthings.”

He shrugs and grins. “So, how old is your future stepdaughter?”


MOST PEOPLE THINK THAT A MARRIAGE proposal is all about the woman and making it special for her—and it is (calm down, chicks)—but I think a lot of guys want it to be meaningful for themselves, too. They just don’t want to admit it because they think they’re too cool. Me? I got no problems admitting I want this night to be memorable for both of us. But, yeah, I really wanna blow her fucking mind and obliterate any memories that she once had a first husband.

Finn was kinda right; I hate that someone married my girl before I found her.

I could not have asked for a more perfect night for my plan. The air is warm, but not humid. Placing the last flameless candle on the table, I take a step back and look at the balcony that I’ve transformed. I decided to not use real candles, so I could leave everything set up while we go to dinner and not have to worry about burning the house down. I’ve shoved the love seat to the far side and laid a huge faux fur rug in the middle of the balcony floor. The electric fireplace is lit in the corner, with the heat option turned off, and earlier today, I strung new tiny purple lights around the edges of the balcony. It looks magical, exactly as I envisioned it.

I pick her up at her house and take her out to dinner a few towns away. She looks beautiful wearing a little black dress that shows off her curves perfectly, and I love that she has no clue how sexy she looks. I notice that she’s wearing the amethyst I gave her a few weeks ago, dangling from her neck on a delicate white gold chain. I’ve never bought a girl gifts before I met her, but I love to give Ivy surprises just to see her face light up. Giving her gifts has become a sort of addiction for me. Sometimes, it’s cute things like stuffed toys, or maybe something I’ve made for her, and other times, it’s something expensive like jewelry. The best part is seeing her face light up, how her eyes go wide like saucers, and then she jumps up and down excitedly before tackling me with kisses. She’s the reason I wake up smiling every day, my own sunny anchor keeping my world grounded.

On the drive back to my house after dinner, we hold hands but don’t tal

k a lot. I’m a little lost in my own head, worried that maybe what I’ve planned isn’t good enough and is just too simple. I thought about a thousand proposal ideas, some insane like Finn’s suggestions, some over the top and just cheesy, but I finally decided that romantic is the way to go. What better place than where we had our first real deep moment—on my balcony?

“Tonight’s the night,” Ray squawks when we enter the house, and I want to smack him. He must have heard me on the phone earlier with Finn.

Ivy giggles at him as she takes her coat off. “What’s he talking about now?”

I throw the cover over his cage, hoping he’ll shut up and go to sleep, and shrug nonchalantly. “He’s been watching too much television again. I keep forgetting to turn it off when I go down to the shop in the mornings.”

Grabbing her hand, I lead her upstairs, and I actually feel shaky, like I’m gonna skitz out from nervousness. Calm down. Don’t fuck this up.

“Wow, it looks even more beautiful here tonight!” she marvels when she sees how I’ve got it decorated. “I love it.”

“Let’s sit.” I guide her to the white rug and gently pull her down on the floor with me. She takes off her black high heels and tucks her feet under her, watching me suspiciously.

“Are you okay?” she finally asks. “You look a little pale.” She reaches toward me and puts her palm on my forehead.

“Ivy . . . I love ya, babe, but don’t do the mom stuff right now. I’m fine.” I reach beside the fireplace and grab my violin. “I have a surprise for you, and I’m a little nervous. That’s all.”

“Oh!” she exclaims excitedly. “You’re going to play for me? Finally?”

I grin and nod at her. “I wrote a song just for you. No singing, though. Just an instrumental. I’m sorry it took so long.”

She claps her hands like a little kid, a big smile spreading across her face. “Lukas! I’m so excited.”

She’s been begging me to play for her since she heard me play at the club, but I’ve been writing her a special melody over the past few months and didn’t want her to hear it until it was perfect.
