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“Please, Peppa. I’m trying to rectify my mistake,” Armand pleaded.

“I’m sorry, but I’m going to need you to be a little more blunt.” Peppa dropped one of her hands on the table and started to strum her fingers on the hard surface. “I’m a mere female, after all. Sometimes I need to be man-splained, or at least that’s what Martin seemed to think when he bossed me around for those two weeks while William was on vacation.”

“I never thought you were an inferior chef because of your gender.” When Peppa didn’t react to his statement, he heaved a deep sigh. “I want you to come back to Chicago. We need you at Castagna.”

“You can’t have Peppa. She’s mine.” I rushed forward, glaring at the interloper who dared to try to take my mate away from me.

While Armand gaped at me, Peppa kicked the chair to her left out from under the table and gestured toward it. “You might as well sit down if you’re going to be a part of this conversation, Cason.”

When I dropped down onto the seat, Armand’s brows drew together. “Your new boss seems to be excessively territorial, Peppa. Coming back to Chicago may be better for your safety, too.”

“He isn’t the owner of Timber Treasures. He’s my husband,” she corrected, reaching out for my hand and lacing our fingers together.

“Oh.” Armand’s gaze darted between us before his shoulders slumped. “And he’s from here?”

I lifted Peppa’s hand and brushed a kiss across her knuckles. “Yup, your fuckup sent the woman of my dreams straight into my arms. I’d thank you except for the fact that your actions hurt her.”

“I suppose that’s fair.” Armand gave me a jerky nod. “If it helps at all, I’m already paying the price for my mistake.”

“I’m sorry to hear that,” Peppa replied before I could gloat.

“The kitchen at Castagna is a mess,” Armand admitted, scrubbing his hands down his face. “William lost the respect of the chefs who didn’t follow you here, and replacing you and the others who left has been nearly impossible. People should be lining up for the opportunity to work for one of the few restaurants with three Michelin stars in the United States, but too much damage has been done to William’s reputation. It’s made the truly talented chefs cautious about working beneath him for fear that he’ll clip their wings instead of helping them grow.”

I was happy to hear that Peppa’s reputation as a chef hadn’t taken a hit after the stunt that William had pulled, but she just sounded sad as she said, “Their concerns are valid, Armand. I don’t mean to sound arrogant, but my skills in the kitchen were a big part of why Castagna earned that third star. I don’t know if William was too proud to admit it or resentful of what I’ve accomplished at my age, but looking back now, I finally realize that he never truly treated me as his second in charge. He never asked for my opinion on the menu or suppliers. He only ever trusted me to execute the dishes he created.”

“And I only now realized that his request to bring Martin in was due to the fact that he was threatened by your talent, Peppa. I’m sorry I didn’t see it sooner. Maybe if I had, you’d still be at Castagna.” Armand heaved another deep sigh.

“I probably would, but I’d still be working for William.” Peppa gave my hand a squeeze. “And I never would have met Cason.”

“If you come back to Chicago, William doesn’t have to stay at Castagna. You could take over as head chef in his place.”

I wasn’t surprised by Armand’s offer, but I wasn’t sure how I felt about it. From everything Peppa had told me about the restaurant world, most chefs would kill for the position. But if my mate accepted, then we’d have to leave my family behind. I’d follow Peppa anywhere, but I would miss out on seeing Greenlee and Nyx grow up.

“I would have given anything for this kind of an opportunity four months ago, but it’s too late now.” Peppa stood, tugging me to my feet along with her. “I’ve found where I belong.”

She led me into the kitchen, explained to her team why Armand had come, and asked Bexley to take over in the kitchen for her. Larken gave her a hug before practically shoving us out the door. Peppa was quiet during the short drive back to our home. Once I had my mate there, all to myself, I was struck by the magnitude of what she’d just given up. Peppa had become everything to me, and I hated the possibility that she was sacrificing her professional success in order to stay here with me.


As soon as the door shut behind us, Cason turned to me. His brows drew together, and his eyes were full of concern. “Are you sure you’ll be happy if we stay here?”
