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“Since the moment we first touched,” he whispered.

My eyes welled with tears, so overcome by him and his love for me. No words could express how much he meant to me. All I could do was turn into him and brush his lips with my own.

“We need to take a picture to document this.” He pulled out his phone and held it above us. I put my head next to his and turned my hand, ring up, for the world to see that I was his. After Kane took the picture, he flipped his camera around to show me. If there ever was a picture to capture pure bliss, this one was it.

“What should the caption be?” he asked.

That was an easy one. “She said yes.”

The Ever After

Five Years Later

So not only did Kane end up stealing my heart and company, but he steals kisses whenever he can, and my breath on a daily basis. Oh, he also steals the covers. Basically, he’s a sexy thief. But there is no one else I would rather share a bed or a life with. Well . . . there is one more person. There’s another boy who has stolen my heart—Gregory, all of two years old, who has his daddy’s caramel eyes, his dark hair, and his olive skin. He, too, frequently steals kisses and the covers. He’s as charming as his daddy. Neither Kane nor I can get enough of him. And we aren’t the only ones taken in by his charm. He has all of his grandparents wrapped around his cute chubby finger.

My dad is especially smitten by the boy who calls him Papa and loves to swing a golf club. He’s already better than me at playing the game. Of course, Naomi can’t get enough of him either—him being Gregory, and my father. Yes, those two kids decided to give it another whirl last year, before they had to walk down the aisle using wheelchairs, as my dad put it. It had only taken him four years to convince her. It had been the only wedding of my father’s that I was happy to attend. And, thankfully, Kane had been there to save the day when those pesky cake crumbs fell into my bra. Fine, I might have purposefully shoved a few down there. I loved watching him in action. His PhD in unzipping was well earned, and it’s always a nice trip down memory lane for us.

Who would have ever known what possibilities had lain before us long ago, on the day our parents got married? Now, thirteen years later, here we were, checking off each item on our lifelong list: marriage, baby, Armstrong Labs becoming an industry leader not only in plasma collection and therapies but forensic pathology advances as well. Our new division had opened two years ago. Just call me President Armstrong-Hudson. I loved my job. Not only were we working with crime scene units and law enforcement agencies around the country, but I’d been able to travel the world and present the new technologies our company had helped develop that were aimed at advancing the accuracy and efficiency of DNA results. I probably still giggled too much when presenting and, unfortunately, have told one too many bad jokes. Although Kane says it’s part of my charm. He also says some other things about me that make me blush and I shouldn’t repeat. But what he says the most is that he loves me. And I always say it back because truer words have never been spoken.

This doesn’t mean our lives are perfect, and we aren’t living in a fairy tale. However, we do believe in dreams and making them come true for each other. And, most importantly, that you can make your Ever After as happy as you want it to be.

