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“Niccolò is a member of my ruling council. You were in the same room with him when I blindfolded you and took you down to the council chamber.”

“I don’t remember much of that meeting, apart from being scared.”

William kissed her cheek. “You were very brave.”

“What’s he like?”

“He’s very much as you might expect. However, time has taught him prudence.”

Raven stared at William as an idea suddenly occurred to her. “Did he write The Prince for you?”

William chuckled. “No, that was for the Medici. Machiavelli was not on good terms with them and that was one of his attempts at ingratiating himself.”

“Are there any famous artists who have become vampyres? Monet? Van Gogh?”

“Neither of them. But I can’t speak for the entire art world. For years, I’ve focused my attention solely on the principality. In any case, many of my kind change their names so as not to be recognized. Or hunted.”

“Yes, because art historians would be interested in interviewing them.”

William shook his head. “It would be a short interview. The art historian would most likely end up an entrée.”

“But what a way to die.”

William laughed and hugged her, spinning her slowly in a circle.

She admired their surroundings once again. “This is lovely. But the gardens at your villa are also beautiful.”

“Thank you. I took my inspiration from here.”

She looked up at him. “What do you like about it?”

“Its beauty. Its location. If we stood at the top, where the villa is, we’d have an extraordinary view of the surrounding hills. There’s vineyards nearby. Behind the house is the olive grove. They make their own olive oil here.” His arms about her tightened. “It’s what you’ve enjoyed at the villa. I had Lucia stock it for you.”

“Thank you.”

“The garden here is dissimilar to the gardens at York, when I lived there. But something about this place reminds me of home.” William’s face took on an expression Raven had not seen before.

He seemed lost in thought for a few moments.

Raven waited for him to return to her. “What were your parents like?”

“My mother was pretty and from a wealthy family. She was very accomplished and had been well educated.”

“And your father?”

“He was a tyrant.” William took her hand and began leading her away from the fountain.

“Where are we going?”

“It’s a surprise.”

“I think I’ve had enough surprises. Do you want to tell me more about your father?”


“All right,” she said quietly. “I’m still trying to process the fact that Machiavelli is still alive. I studied him in a political science class in college. He could have tutored me.”

“He wouldn’t have. Humans are beneath him and his intellect.”

“I knew there was a reason I disliked him.”

They walked a fair distance through the orange grove until they approached another clearing. Once again, small white lights illuminated the space from the trees on which they hung. Electric lanterns lined the perimeter of a rectangular pool.

Raven gave William a questioning look. He smirked and led her to the side. “Test the pool. I’m not a good judge of temperature.”

She leaned over and dipped her uninjured foot in the water. “It’s warm. The pool must be heated.”


William stepped over to a deck chair and began unbuttoning his shirt.

“Wait. What are you doing?” Raven sounded alarmed.

“We are going for a swim.”

She looked around helplessly. “We’re trespassing.”

“I’m not afraid of the owners.”

“I am. We don’t have bathing suits.”

“I don’t own a swimming costume.” He gave her a look designed to tempt as he pulled off his shirt, revealing his muscled chest. “And if you owned one, I’d persuade you not to wear it.” He unzipped his black jeans.

Raven muttered a surprised curse.

Without shame, William walked naked to the deep end of the pool and dove into the water. The sound of his body breaching the surface seemed thunderous. Raven strained her ears for any indication that someone had heard the noise and was coming to investigate.

William swam to the side closest to her. He looked like a god, his upper body perfect in proportion and sprinkled with droplets of water. His powerful presence was barely muted by the water, although he looked up at her hesitantly.

“Are you joining me?”

“We’ll get arrested.”

William inclined his head to one side. “It’s a warm evening. We’ve taken a drive down a long, dusty road. I thought it would be refreshing to have a swim. Together.”

The tone of his voice changed on the last word and Raven felt it on her skin, like a caress.

“What if someone sees us?”

“I have excellent hearing and an exceptional sense of smell. The wind is blowing such that we won’t be surprised by anyone coming from the villa. Come, Raven. I want to see you.” His expression grew heated.

Nestled among the greenery in the semidarkness, the pool looked inviting. Even more so when coupled with the aqua-god before her. Raven balled her hands into fists.


Carefully, she undid her leather jacket and placed it on a chair near William’s clothes. With as much speed as she could muster, she disrobed. Covering her breasts with an arm, she hobbled to the shallow end of the pool and crept down the stairs. She only relaxed when the water came up to her neck.

William watched the entire procedure like a hawk. He remained at the side, regarding her, but made no move to approach her.

Her cheeks flamed.

He extended his hand over the surface of the water. It was an invitation. Slowly, she walked over to him.

“How does the water feel on your leg?” His expression was almost tender.

“It feels good. Over the years I’ve done aquatic therapy and exercise. It helps.”

“But you haven’t been doing that in Florence.”

“No, I haven’t.”

“I’ll make arrangements.”

She was prepared to argue with him, but quickly thought better of it given his tone. “Thank you. I miss swimming.”

He lifted his hand, but instead of pulling her against his naked form, he gently touched her face and smoothed her hair. She placed her arms on his shoulders to steady herself. “The water is very warm.”

He nodded, still staring into her eyes.

She broke eye contact. “You’ve gone quiet.”

“Vampyres have excellent senses. When we feed or engage in intercourse, we become distracted. To ensure we aren’t surprised, I’ll have to forgo those activities.” His hand slid under the water to rest on her hip. “I’m finding it—difficult.”

She stepped closer, her breasts brushing against his chest. William closed his eyes and groaned.

“I think it would be rude for us to pursue those activities in someone else’s pool.” Raven kissed his neck.

Struck by a sudden inspiration, she licked a drop of water from his skin. William’s hands clamped on her hips, pulling her lower body against him. Without a word, he kissed her deeply.

“I’ll take care of it,” he rasped, his eyes like gray fire.

He wrapped his arms around her back and Raven forgot all about the owners of the pool.

Chapter Twenty-six

Later that evening, William piloted the motorcycle to a place near the front door of Raven’s apartment building. She waited for him to help her off the bike, finding her legs unsteady.

He chuckled as he removed her helmet. “Are you all right?”

“I’m perfect.” She smiled and lifted her face.

He captured her lips, pulling her against him. They kissed for some time, gently exploring one a

nother’s mouths, before William withdrew. He pecked her on the cheek.

“Let’s get you inside.”

They walked toward the front door, holding hands and whispering about their activities in the pool. It was, perhaps, one of the most romantic evenings of Raven’s life.

As they approached the door, a figure stepped out of the shadows. William’s body grew solid and a loud snarl escaped his chest. Instantly, he pushed her behind him.

Raven’s gaze moved in the direction of William’s. Standing a few feet away, dressed in priestly black, was Father Kavanaugh. He was staring at William with a thunderous expression.

“Release her!” he commanded.

He removed a cross from his pocket and held it in front of him as he advanced, reciting what Raven thought was Latin. She tried to get around William’s body, but he pushed her back, cursing the priest in Latin, teeth bared.

“By the power of the Name, I command you to release her.” Father produced a bottle of what looked like holy water. Panic ripped through Raven.

She knew holy water had only a minimal effect on William. She also knew that he was at pains to keep this information secret. She couldn’t risk Father Kavanaugh throwing the water in their direction, only to learn that William was immune.

“Stop.” Raven managed to lean around William, making eye contact with her former mentor. “I’m fine, Father. He won’t hurt me.”

The expression on the priest’s face grew even more determined.

“Raven, walk toward me. Right now.” His voice was low as he continued to approach the angry vampyre.
