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He prowled over to the windows and alarm skittered thorough her when he drew the drapes closed so only a slice of sunlight came through the parted section.

“What in God’s name are you doing, and where is Louisa?”

“My wife had been obliging enough to visit our neighbors. For all intents and purposes, we are alone…a state I have been most eager to get you in.”

Fear sent chills down her spine. Without hesitation, she made a dash for the door, and halfway there, he grabbed her around the waist and flung her. She screamed and he chuckled.

“There is no one close by. I’ve ensured I assigned tasks to all the lingering footmen and maids. Father will remain in the garden as is customary for the better part of the afternoon and your whore of a mother will hover.”

“Release me, William.”

“You are a married woman now, Livvie. You have full knowledge of what goes on between a man and a woman.” He pushed his hips against hers suggestively. “And you know what I want from you,” he said, lust glittering in his eyes.

She tried to push at his chest and was met with staunch resistance. “You are being despicable,” she hissed. “If you act on your foolish desires, imagine the pain you will cause Father. He trusts you.”

“You will tell no one that I’ve had you. Your husband would beat and banish you. And Father…such stories from you would surely do him in. His heart is still weak, you know. Will you really burden him? I believe not.” A light entered his eyes, and a charm

ing smile tipped his lips. “There is no use resisting. Stay the night. Louisa has been complaining of melancholy and has been taking laudanum. It will be quite easy for me to visit you in your old chamber.”

Livvie recoiled from him. “You insufferable ass! Your logic is beyond me. I am a married woman, and Tobias will be severely displeased when he learns of your conduct.”

His charming facade slipped into a hard mask. “All of society knows Blade would never be reckless enough to duel over a woman. The man feels no passion and is a cold bastard. In fact…I can assure you he will be quite annoyed if you reveal anything that may lead his family’s name into gossips and scandal,” William said, looking extremely smug.

Her heart lodged in her throat as she stared at him. She lifted her hand and slapped him with all her strength. The crack echoed in the library and he glared at her with a look akin to stunned disbelief.

He grabbed her, and his lips assaulted her. She lifted her knee to his private area with all her strength. With a groan, he collapsed to the carpeted floor on his knees.

“You bitch,” he gritted, tears streaming down his face.

She rushed to the door.

“I promise you, Livvie, I will have you underneath me before the month is out. And I will not promise that you will enjoy it.” Ignoring him, she wrenched the door opened and hurried outside. Her emotions were in a chaos. The blasted blackguard! How dare he believe she would not report his disgusting behavior to her husband? Her heart squeezed. What if she told him and he did nothing because of the potential scandal?

It was clearly a matter of honor…her honor, and she would take care of William. But how? His unexpected assault clearly showed he was willing to attempt his forced seduction wherever and whenever he would see her. Even if she stayed away, she would encounter William at balls and garden parties, where there were ample dark corners, linen closets, and secluded spots in gardens he could drag her away to before she could sound an alarm.

And if she screamed for help, the scandal would be terrible. Tobias would never forgive her for allowing such a taint to touch his family’s name after the ruthless way in which he had repaired their reputation.

Her breath hitched on a sob. She could not fail him in this, nor could she allow her lout of a brother to compromise the vow that she had promised to her husband.

“Livvie, are you well?” her father demanded.

She glanced up to see him leaning on his walking stick. Her heart lurched. “I thought you no longer had to use a stick for support?”

A tired smile creased his lips. “Only when I exhaust myself. I assure you, there is nothing to worry about, but if you do not mind terribly I am off to take a nap. Your mother and sister wore me out.”

She hurried over to him and pressed a kiss to his cheek. “Of course not.” Should she tell him? And what if you do and the shock makes him even more ill? Her stomach cramped at the notion.

“Your mother is planning a jaunt in to the village shops. Will you join her?”

“I must return to Grangeville Park. I will make my excuses. Have a good rest, Father.”

Good Lord, what was she do to?

Chapter Seventeen

A few minutes after making her excuses, Livvie was headed home. She leaned her head back wearily against the squabs, her fingers gripping the padded seat in the carriage, her mind churning furiously. She would simply have to defend her own honor, discreetly. And when she had soundly trashed William, he would not breathe a word of his shame to anyone, but he would certainly acknowledge that she was not a woman to trifle with.

She swallowed heavily and wondered if her nerves would be completely shattered before the ordeal was over. The carriage sped home, but nothing she did could turn her mind from her determination to face William by herself. His size had been so frightening, the press of his lips against hers and the intent in his touch had been revolting. The mere memory made her feel ill to her stomach. The carriage rolled through the forecourt of the estate, and the footman aided her descent. She walked briskly through the door held open by the butler.
