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Inhaling deeply he began typing. And what would you do if you were?

It didn’t take long for her typed response. I’d try things on you that I’ve never tried on a man before.

Feeling hot, he undid the top button of his shirt before typing Such as?

Depends on where you are now. You’re in your suite, right?


In bed?

No, I’m sitting at the desk.

That’s a good spot. I’d clear off that desk and spread my naked self on top of it.

Mercy! Morgan thought and immediately grabbed a sixteen-ounce bottle of chilled water and practically drained the entire thing just to cool off his heated body. The thought of Lena spread naked across this desk aroused such strong feelings within him that he had to lean back in his chair to place space between him and the desk. Imagining those voluptuous thighs exposed to his view sent a warm flood of anticipated and delicious pleasure racing through him.

Morgan? she typed. You’re still there?

Barely. But instead of typing that single response, he stroked the keys to ask And then what you would do?

Whatever you want. I would become your every woman.

His every woman…Just the thought sent more heat escalating through him. He leaned forward, feeling a heated rush. He tried to remain calm, keep his composure, but it was hard, just like the rest of him.

Before he could type in a response she sent him a question. And what’s your fantasy, Morgan Steele?

He smiled, not the least ashamed to admit what that was. He typed in his response. Making love to you all day long and feel you climax beneath me several times. More times than either of us can count. Then he smiled with a predatory satisfaction when she didn’t respond for a while.

You sure about that? was the response she finally sent.

Positive. Now what’s your fantasy?

To have you on top of me, making love to you, and I’d be grateful for a half day and at least one climax.

That powerful chemistry that she had failed to acknowledge the first night they’d met was back with a vengeance, stirring every volatile emotion within him. This was the Lena he wanted in his bed, and once he got her there he was going to prove they were one and the same. There weren’t two sides of Lena Spears, and he planned to make sure she realized that.

Don’t settle for one climax. Get ready for several, he typed and then added Your wish will be my every command, Lena Spears. Whatever you want done, I will do…with pleasure.

There was a pause and then she responded. I think it’s time we ended this conversation before the screens burn out.

If we must.

We must, and remember, Morgan, tonight you chatted with the twin.

He lifted a challenging brow. The sexual excitement she had aroused in him had gotten to an intense level, had become a momentous force. There was no way he would let her cunningly fall back to being her old self. Even over cyberspace he sensed her emotional withdrawal.

Good night, Morgan.

Good night, Lena.

He waited for her to log off before he did likewise. Then he sagged back against the chair thinking he couldn’t return to Charlotte quick enough to suit him.

Chapter 10

The following day Morgan discovered that he had a hard time focusing his attention on anything, even this meeting with Cameron and Ben. By the end of the day business negotiations were behind them, everything had been finalized and it was agreed that they would enter into a partnership for the development of urban real estate, with the objective of fostering economic opportunities in the underserved urban areas around the country.

Ben had caught a flight back to Los Angeles as soon as the meeting was over, and if it hadn’t been for the promise Morgan had made to Cameron a few days ago to stick around and play a few rounds of golf, he would have been on the next plane bound for Charlotte. Now with the golfing behind them they both had plans to fly home on Thursday instead of Friday.

After enjoying a scrumptious meal at a very popular soul food restaurant in St. Louis, they decided to have a couple of beers while a jazz band performed.

“So how’s Vanessa?”

Morgan lifted his gaze from studying the contents of his glass of beer and glanced across the table at Cameron. He smiled over at his friend. “She’s no different than she was the last time you asked me about her. What can I say? Vanessa is Vanessa.”

Cameron took a sip of his own beer, straight from the bottle. “Maybe it’s time for me to pay you a visit in Charlotte.”

Morgan chuckled. “Yeah, maybe it is. That should really shake things up a bit.”

Cameron grinned. “I imagine it would. So how is the sale of your house coming?”

Cameron’s questions made Morgan think of Lena, not that he hadn’t been thinking about her anyway. “Lena has found several interested buyers, and I actually like the new place she found for me.”
