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Her words had him rocking back on his heels. Then, after only a brief hesitation, he launched himself over the balcony to land less than five feet from her.

“Ajali!” Xian screamed.

“My king!” Gavyn’s shout was punctuated by the sharp hiss of his blade as he withdrew it and launched over the railing to land beside Ajali. Acheron and Quinn followed while Ajali’s other blades flanked the balcony, assessing from above.

“Do we kill her?”

Ajali slowly turned and looked at Gavyn.

Gavyn frowned. “Your eyes are pure flames…. Does she truly mean so much to you?”

The idea of Tehdra’s death seemed untenable. “She fights, Gavyn.”

“She does, but whatever is trying to come from her is—”

“Silence,” Ajali commanded.

A promise of menace rode the air. He held up his fist and the atmosphere changed in the pit to watchful awareness.

“Acheron,” Ajali said, uncoiling his chains.

“I sense it, my liege. There is death in the room.”

“Show yourself!” Ajali commanded. He swiveled his head to where shadows seemed to writhe and coalesce from the wall. He ignored Ruxia’s startled scream as shadows pooled at her feet and a Darkan appeared with the Princess of Boreas at his side. Not just any Darkan, the one who had mated Princess Saieke and stole Ajali’s chance at an allegiance.

Swords hissed and the intent of his blades focused into deadly concentration. The heat in the pit rose, and Ajali’s lips curved at the enemy’s audacity.

“What is the meaning of this?” Bastien’s voice rang with the power of authority and something far deadlier, yet the Darkan did no more than look at Tehdra’s bound and broken form. Ajali did not know what alerted him, the newcomer’s expression betrayed no emotion, but Tehdra being chained in the dungeon affected him. Fury surged inside of the Darkan and Ajali detected it only because his Phoenyx was pure rage. Rage called to rage.

“Acheron,” Ajali said softly, and in a blink Acheron was on Tehdra with his twin swords circling her neck.

Ajali’s gut tightened. The howl of madness that came from her shook him, yet he buried all doubt. The enemy cared for her, thus she was a pawn until he revealed his motives. Ajali could not let his feelings for her create uncertainty. The blood thirst that bloomed from the Darkan was stunning in its intensity. Ajali was impressed, nothing showed that he cared. Only the princess’ sharp jerk betrayed her to those who could not sense the Darkan’s anger.

“King Ajali of the House of Haddin, pressing circumstances has us entering your kingdom without declaring our reason and status. If not for extenuating reasons that you seem to be privy to, such a breach of protocol would never have happened within Nuria.” The princess’ voice was strong and sure. “We have come to claim Tehdra El Kyn of the clan Dragos, of the Darkage that is held bound. We offer recompense for any lives lost and destruction within your kingdom.”

Ajali listened to her words, but his gaze never left the Darkan who seemed to catalogue the location of all his blades. The Darkan did not shift his gaze or his stance, but Ajali’s honed instinct sensed every thought as the Darkan assessed each person’s position, noting their location, their weapons. Ajali buried all feelings as the Darkan paused in his assessment of Xian. Even though she was positioned behind him upon the balcony, she snagged the Darkan’s attention. He lingered, possibly noting the resemblance to the throne, noting the weak link in the dungeon, possibly sensing her fear. The Darkan made no move from the Princess Saieke. His weak link. But was she his only weak link?

He met Acheron’s eyes and silently communicated that whatever he was about to say was a bluff. His blade nodded infinitesimally.

“If Princess Xian disappears, behead Tehdra,” Ajali said calmly and Princess Saieke flinched.

He showed his hand with the order, but would the Darkan call his bluff? Tehdra’s death was not something he desired. Tehdra’s roar slammed into his head before it resounded into the pit. Pain slashed at him with a rage that burned his insides.

Why, Ajali?

Tehdra, be calm…

The scream shook the columns, and he distantly heard the snapping of chains as if they were not made from the purest of valnetium iron.

Be calm! He slammed into their link. I have not betrayed you.

Another snarl had his knees buckling with its power. He did not see the Darkan move, yet Acheron flew across the pit to slam into the wall with force. Ajali flashed, trying to bear the screaming that still echoed inside his mind. He pushed along their pathway, trying to find her, but he only encountered a mire of pure darkness.

Tehdra, I bluffed. Never would I willingly bring you harm.

He pushed it along their link to be met with a fury that knew no reason. His Phoenyx surged, heating his insides, power tunneling through his veins.

A snarl hissed through the pit, the malevolence in it raising his hackles. The crack of chains snapping reverberated in the hole as Tehdra broke through her shackles with an ease that warned of the force they were about to reckon with. Dozens of broken valnetium chains littered the ground. Swords were drawn, and his blades braced themselves. Even Xian launched herself in the pit with her weapon drawn.

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