Page 2 of Sweet Treasures

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“Well, I think so. But then again, I’m probably a tad prejudiced because I own this shop.” She smiled up at him.

He returned her smile. And wow what a smile his was. A four o’clock shadow framed his lips which made his teeth appear dazzling white. Her gaze slid upward right into the most amazing blue eyes ever. They were framed by dark thick eyelashes and eyebrows. His brown, semi wavy hair was a shade darker than her own.

With a grin, he blew on his hands once more. “So what do you recommend? I heard the chocolate covered cherry hot chocolate was the best.”

“It’s my favorite,” she said as she ripped her gaze from his and took a step toward the counter.

He stepped alongside her, and the two of them walked toward the counter side-by-side.

“Well, I’ll have that then.” There was that gorgeous smile again. The one that could melt frozen butter in a manner of seconds.

Anna forced herself to stop focusing on his handsome smile and face and instead turned her focus on to business. That task, however, became increasingly difficult when he took off the gloves and she noticed he wasn’t wearing a wedding ring. Moreover, there was no indention on that finger either.

Stop it, Anna. Just stop it already, she reprimanded herself as she walked around the back of the display counter. Before facing him, she looked over at her best friend and employee. “Cailyn, would you please fix a cup of the chocolate covered cherry, please?”

Cailyn looked up from the work station she was cleaning. Her gaze went to the gentlemen first and then to Anna. Her eyebrows very nearly spiked, and she sent Anna a double thumbs up.

Cailyn! Anna frowned and did the cut-it-out-sign against her throat. Thankfully the gentleman was too occupied with his gloves to see the exchange.

Her friend wrinkled her pixie nose and grinned. “I’ll be happy to get that for you, Anna.” Her emphasizing Anna’s name hadn’t gone unnoticed. How much more obvious could she be?

Anna knew what her friend was up to, and even though she didn’t fault Cailyn for it because the same thing had crossed her mind a time or two also, Anna had to put a stop to it before Cailyn embarrassed her completely. She sent her a warning look. It was a look Cailyn knew very well because she was always trying to hook her friend up with every single male that crossed through the door.

Cailyn smiled, ignoring her completely.

Anna sighed, knowing ahead of time that would be Cailyn’s response. It always was, but it didn’t stop Anna from trying.

“Is it for here, or to go?” Cailyn asked from across the room.

Putting on her best smile, Anna turned toward the gentleman.

The man glanced around before looking back at Anna. “Uh, for here, if that’s okay?”

From her peripheral vision, Anna noted the time on the wall clock. Ten minutes to eight. Normally they closed at seven, but she would stay open until midnight in order to have the chance to talk to this stranger. With all the tables clean and empty, Anna didn’t want him to think this was the norm. Why that mattered to her exactly, she had no clue but it did nonetheless. “We normally close at seven. But tonight, every time we tried to close, someone else came in, and we didn’t have the heart to turn them away.”

“Oh, I see. “ His gaze roamed around the room, landing back on her. “Well, I can get mine to go then. I don’t want to keep you from closing.”

Keep me, please. I don’t mind. Really. “No, don’t you worry about that. You’re fine.” More than fine. Her thoughts were having a terrible time staying in check. “This happens a lot during the holiday season, so we’re used to it. Aren’t we, Cailyn?” She turned and sent her friend a wink, hoping she’d get the hint. It was the truth, but Cailyn was ornery enough to say no just to see Anna blush.

Cailyn waved her hand. “Oh sure. There are times when the boss here…” Cailyn nudged her head Anna’s direction to make sure he knew that Anna owned the place, but the joke was on Cailyn because he already knew. “And I don’t get out of here until right before midnight. We do have to close before midnight though or else our coaches turn back into pumpkins and our glass slippers back into tennis shoes.”

Anna’s mouth fell open. Cailyn was really pushing it this time, so Anna sent another warning look her friend’s way.

In return, Cailyn put on her best imitation of an innocent smile. But there was nothing innocent about Cailyn’s smile or comment.

All Anna could do was wonder what the man must think of this whole thing.

Finding a nice place to crawl into until he left sounded pretty good about now, but the professional business woman in her kicked in. With a smile firmly in place, she turned and acted as though nothing was amiss. “May I get you anything else?” Like me, perhaps? Ack! Good one, Anna. So much for being professional she thought with a mental roll of her eyes. She needed to stop this. After all, he was a customer and she, believe it or not, was a professional business woman. At least she was until he had walked into her shop, and at this rate he would walk right back out again without her even knowing his name. Name. Name. Name. Find a way to get his name.

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