Page 21 of Sweet Treasures

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His eyes, soft and warm, gazed down at her. “I was just standing here watching one of the sweetest, most thoughtful things I have ever witnessed before.” Nicholas’s attention shifted behind her, held for a moment, then returned back to her.

With his arms still on hers, Anna shifted around slightly. Donald and his friends were huddled on the bench, digging through the bag, glancing over at her, with smiles the size of Texas. Her heart warmed at the sight. Thank You, Lord.

“Those people will have a warm drink and something to eat because of you.”

Anna turned and raised her eyes toward Nicholas. “No. They’ll have something to eat and drink because of God. I just happened to be the messenger He sent.”

“Yes, because of God, and He used you to be His hands and feet because of your willingness to serve and to help others.”

With a shrug, she ducked out of his hold on her. “That’s what we’re here for. To serve.” Uncomfortable with his praise, she rushed on to say, “Now, enough of that.” She stepped back, and he slid his hands into the pockets of his coat. “What are you doing here? Can’t get enough of my fabulous hot chocolates and cookies, huh?” Anna sent him a slow, playful wink.

“That. And I can’t get enough of the woman who created them.”

Speechless. That’s what she was at this moment. Speechless. Something she rarely was.

♥ ♥ ♥

After what Nicholas had just witnessed, there was no way he wanted to let this woman go. Lord willing, he would figure out a way for them to be together. “Listen, I only have a few minutes, but I am ready for another cup of your hot chocolate. Shall we go inside?” He offered her his arm, and smiled when she looped her hand into it. When they reached the door, he opened it for her and followed her inside.

The place was packed with not one available chair anywhere. People were laughing and talking and enjoying their beverages and sweets. Anna had sure named this place right. Not only was the place filled with sweet treasures, Anna was the sweetest treasure of all.

“Since the tables are full, do you want to go back into my office?”

Nicholas liked her idea because he would love to have some alone time with her. “Sure.” Pulling his sleeve back, he glanced at his watch. “I have fifteen minutes before I have to leave.”

She nodded. “You want to try the pumpkin pie spice white hot chocolate this morning, or do you just want coffee or what?”

“I’ll try the pumpkin spice. That sounds really good. And last time I was here, I noticed you had some frosted brownies with walnuts on top. I’ll have one of those too.” He took his wallet out and opened it up.

Immediately, Anna reached over and closed his wallet. “Don’t you even think about paying. Your money is no good here.”

“And don’t you even think about not letting me pay.” He lifted both eyebrows at her. “If you don’t, I don’t want anything.”

Anna rolled her eyes and huffed at the same time. “You’re incorrigible, you know that, right?”

“So, I’ve been told.” He grinned at her.

She shook her head, gathered their drinks and pastries, and motioned for him to come back to her office. “Cailyn, I’ll be in my office if you need me.”

Cailyn looked up from blobbing balls of cookie dough onto large cookie sheet pans. Her gaze went from Anna to him, and a huge smirk of a smile spread across her pixie face. “Oh, I’m sure we won’t need you for a very long time.” She dragged out the word long. “So take your time. We’ve got everything under control here.”

Nicholas chuckled at Cailyn’s not-so-subtle attempt at matchmaking.

Anna shook her head at him. “Don’t encourage her.” She handed him his brownie and drink and headed further into the back of the building.

“Why not?” he asked as he stepped alongside her. “I like what she’s up to.”

With a glance over at him, she ducked her head. “So you noticed, huh?”

He chuckled again. “It’s kind of hard not to notice.”

When they reached her office, Nicholas couldn’t help but be amazed. Christmas decorations and even a miniature Christmas tree on her desk flooded the room. The woman really did love Christmas.

She sat down in one of the boxy looking chairs, and he sat in the other one. Only a small round table separated them.

After taking a sip of her drink, she set it on a coaster on the table. “I love pumpkin spice. It’s so… So festive.”

He took a sip too and had to agree. “This is really good. How do you come up with all of these different ideas?” he asked, taking a bite of the brownie.
