Page 5 of Sweet Treasures

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“That’s your store logo?” His eyebrows rose slightly.

“Yes. The name of my store Sweet Treasures is a double entendre. It is in a way a metaphor for my shop. Sweet Treasures not only refers to the sweet treasures I sell but an even sweeter treasure which is ministering salvation to people through those sticks. One side has my logo with Matthew 6: 20 on it, and the other side has an encouraging message with John 3:16 on it.”

Nicholas turned the plastic stick over. ”Jesus loves you. Do they all say that?”

“They all have John 3:16 on them, but mine says…” She picked hers up and read the message on it. “Love never fails.”

“What a great ministry tool. Very impressive.”

“The idea was all the Lord’s. He’s so good. A lot of times people will ask what the message means. It opens the door for me to talk about Christ with them. At first, several people thought it was wrong, especially the woman I mentioned, but after a while they just accepted that if they came in here to eat cookies and have hot chocolate or coffee or tea or whatever that the ministry swizzle sticks and such comes with it. I can’t tell you how many people we’ve prayed with over the years.”

“That’s great.” Nicholas took another drink and set it back down. “What happened with the woman who wanted to shut you down?”

Anna’s eyes went over to Cailyn. “Well, now she works for me, and she’s my best friend.”

Nicholas’s gaze shot over to Cailyn who ducked her head, acting as if she were busy scrubbing the already clean glass on the cookie display counters and not watching them at all, but Anna knew otherwise. Her friend had been caught red-handed spying on them. Anna hid her smile even as the care her friend had for her touched her heart.

“Are you talking about her?” He discreetly hiked a thumb Cailyn’s direction.

“Yes. Cailyn.”

“Cailyn? Really? So how’d that come about?” Nicholas picked up his cookie and took a bite.

Anna watched his reaction to the cookie as he chewed.

“This is really delicious. I’m going to have to take some of these home with me.” He brushed the crumbs from his hands.

“Glad you like them.” That too meant a lot to her.

“So tell me how she ended up working for you.”

“Well.” Anna brushed a strand of hair off of her face. “Cailyn kept coming in harassing me, and every time she did, I would give her free cookies and drinks, minus the swizzle sticks. At first she left them on the counter and would storm off. But every time she came in and harassed me, I was nice to her. I would tell her how much I liked her makeup that day or her outfit or purse or earrings. Whatever I saw that I truly liked. After a few months of this, when I was by myself in the shop, she came in. I waited for her to let me know of her latest efforts to close me down and her reasons why, but this time, she came in and accepted my drink and cookies. I waited for her to leave with them, but she didn’t.

“Instead, she took them over to one of the tables, this table actually. “Anna pointed a finger down at the table they were at. “She just sat here not eating or drinking. Just sitting looking rather forlorn. I went about cleaning and praying the whole time. I felt the Lord lay it on my heart to go over to her and to sit down. Boy, did I fight that one.” Anna chuckled.

“I bet.” He laughed.

Obviously Nicholas was on to Cailyn’s wiles too. That thought brought a grin out of Anna. “Anyway, Cailyn asked me how come I was so nice to her when she’d obviously been harassing me and trying to get the place closed down or at very best the Christian aspect of it stopped.” Anna’s heart warmed at how engrossed Nicholas seemed to be with every word she spoke. Not once did his eyes leave her face even as he ate his cookie and drank his cocoa.

“I told her because she was special,” Anna continued. “That got her attention. To make a long story short… I know, too late, right?” Anna chuckled again, and Nicholas smiled at her. “She said no one had ever told her she was special or made her feel special like I did every time I complimented her. Her whole life she said she’d been criticized and told how worthless she was to her parents, her foster parents, and to God.” Anna’s heart still ached over that one. “No one should ever be told they’re worthless.”

“Oh man, how awful.” His gaze went over to Cailyn. This time Cailyn didn’t duck. Instead, she smiled. The story had been told so many times either by her or Cailyn that neither one of them thought a thing about sharing it. Not if it blessed someone or led them to the Lord.
