Page 7 of Sweet Treasures

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Anna shook her head and laughed. “You heard the woman. That’s fine.” And it was fine too. Saturday night couldn’t come soon enough for Anna.

Chapter Two

Saturday evening, in the apartment above her shop that she and Cailyn stayed at often when they were too tired to drive home, Anna got ready for the party. One glance in the mirror and she wanted to pick up the phone and call Nicholas to tell him she couldn’t go after all. Bad part was, she didn’t have his phone number. Besides, it was already ten minutes after seven, and it would be really rude of her to back out at the last minute. Truth be known, she really didn’t want to because she was infatuated with him. They both were Christians, they both had an Italian heritage and strong family values, and they both loved spumoni ice cream. “Now that last one is something to base a relationship on,” she said with a chuckle in to the mirror.

“Aren’t you ready yet?” Cailyn asked with a light knock at Anna’s bedroom door.

“No.” Anna swung her gaze away from the vanity mirror and rolled her eyes at Cailyn. “I should have never trusted you to pick out my costume.”

When Cailyn had offered to do it, Anna was so busy she knew she wouldn’t have time, so reluctantly she’d agreed. That turned out to be a huge mistake.

Cailyn swept into her room and sat on the bed. “Well, I for one, think you look amazing, and that costume is to die for. Nicholas is so going to love it.”

“Yeah right, and bears have wings. Fairies with magic wands are real. Not! You mean to tell me that the only costume they had left was a Cinderella? Sorry, not buying it, especially after your comment about our coaches turning into pumpkins and our glass slippers into tennis shoes. Speaking of which…” Anna stuck her foot out and twisted it back and forth, studying the high heels on her feet that looked as if they really were made of glass. They weren’t of course. “I can’t even begin to think where you found these.”

“Don’t you just love them?” Cailyn’s eyes sparkled as brightly as the high heels that certainly weren’t slippers.

“Yes and no.” Resting her arm on the back of the vanity chair, Anna’s demeanor took a serious turn. “What is he going to think when he sees this get up?” Even though she had to admit the light blue dress was beautiful, going as Cinderella to a ball…? Okay, it was a Christmas party, but it was the same difference as far as Anna was concerned. Either way it was very cliché and overly dramatic.

“He’s going to think you look amazing.” Cailyn’s voice broke through Anna thoughts as she waved off Anna’s concern. “Trust me, that’s all he’s going to think.”

Anna turned back to the mirror and surveyed herself. She could only hope Cailyn was right. The light blue dress brought out the blue in her smoky gray eyes, and the high neck with the imitation fur collar brought out the blonde highlights in her long brown hair. She loved the long sleeves. They were puffy at the top and tapered down her arms with fur cuffs. A ring of fur went over the top of her shoulders and looped just above her chest. Three hoops of blue material went from a point below the middle of her small waist that looked even smaller with the corset-like top. They too were lined with the same fur. Silver and gold beads in the shape of a heart with wings on top covered her chest and ended at a point at her waist. The rest of the floor length dress had a sheer lace covering over the light blue material.

While she thought the dress was absolutely gorgeous, she still wanted to yank it off and go as a hobo or something. Anything but Cinderella. But, knowing it was too late to do anything about it now, with a sigh, she turned toward her friend once again. “I just hope he’s doesn’t think I dressed like Cinderella in hopes of him becoming my Prince Charming.”

“Well? Aren’t you?” Cailyn smiled and crossed her legs Indian style on the bed.

“Cailyn! No. Come on. I barely met the guy.”

“So. There’s something about him, don’t you think?” Cailyn uncrossed her legs and shoved herself off the bed. She walked over and stood behind Anna and began to gather up Anna’s long hair.

“What are you doing?” Anna squirmed, looking at Cailyn’s reflection in the mirror.

“Hold still. I’m going to re-do your hair so you can wear your beauty pageant crown tonight.”

“What?” Anna’s hand shot up. “Oh no you’re not. I’m not wearing that thing.”

However, it was if her friend didn’t hear a word of the protest as Cailyn went over to the shelf, lifted the lid on the glass case, removed the crown, and came back to Anna. “Oh, c’mon you have to. It’ll complete your costume.”
