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I’d met the heir apparent over a decade ago, at Frank’s daughter’s wedding, and had thankfully seen little of him since. Scott was a walking cliché, a proud club-carrying member of the caveman association, addressing every woman––whether he knew her name or not––as babydoll. I mean really, who did this in 2019 the year of our Lord?

Basically, he was a rich asshole who spent his time fucking and fighting, traveling the world in search of the latest party and the next adventure. The opposite of everything I deemed good. Not to mention the oversized ego on him, which was record-breaking.

According to Scott, every woman who had the good fortune of crossing his path fell at his feet in a puddle of overwrought hormones. He’d even accused Frank’s longtime secretary, Diane, of “fondling his package” once. Right before, God rest her soul, Diane passed away of a heart attack at the tender age of sixty-nine while sitting at her desk.

Yeah, the man was unbearable. But I would bear him––for Frank. I’d help Scott transition into the role of Blackstone’s honorary CEO. And that’s all he’d be because no one on that board was going to allow Scott to do anything other than decide which restaurant the company holiday party should be held at. And even that was iffy due to the very real danger of Scott choosing an upscale strip club.

“Have you spoken to Scott?”

“I haven’t been able to reach him.” Frank’s lips thinned and the lines around his eyes became more pronounced. He exhaled tiredly, which often happened when he spoke of his only son.

“How’s this going to work? Is he going to handle day-to-day decisions?” It was intended as a joke and Frank knew it. Scott had not done an honest day’s work his entire worthless life. Frankly, I had my doubts about how long he’d last in an honorary position. And it wasn’t even for lack of intelligence. The only thing Scott lacked was character.

“I’m giving you controlling interest, to act as Marjorie’s proxy…I want you to take my place.”

There was a loud buzzing in my ear, then a pop. Like my brain had overheated and shut down. I started laughing. Partly relieved, partly nervous. “Now I know this is a prank. Woosh.” I gestured a swipe of my brow because no one loved drama more than Frank, so I gave him some. “What a relief. You got me, Frank. But seriously. I have a shitload of work to do––”

A paw-sized hand landed on the desktop, the slap exploding throughout the office. Surprised, I flinched, the amusement draining out of me all at once.

“This is not a prank.”

“Okay…okay,” I said, backpedaling as fast as I could. “I apologize…” A deep breath later, I tried again. “You know I love you, Frank, and I’m flattered. I would do anything for you. Anything. But putting me in charge will guarantee this ends up in court.”

“Correct. Which is why you’re going to marry Scott.”

The buzzing was back. I couldn’t possibly have heard him correctly. “Come again?”

“You’re going to marry my son.”

Had the cancer traveled to his brain already? That’s the only plausible excuse I could think of. “You can’t be serious.”

“As serious as melanoma.”

“Frank––” I said as gently as I could. The word tippy-toeing out of my mouth. One could only push Frank so far. Then he transformed into something akin to Juggernaut, complete with a head made of metal he liked to bludgeon people with.

“Sydney,” he countered, cutting me off. “This is a business arrangement. You will marry Scott. You will stay married to him for three years. During that time the two of you will behave as a married couple in public. You will not do anything to besmirch the Blackstone name. You will manage this company successfully thus ensuring the board will shut the fuck up about it. After which you two can do as you please. Get a quiet divorce. Whatever your heart desires. Scott can go back to doing whatever the fuck Scott does and you will continue to helm this company as a Blackstone. Have I made myself clear?”

He hadn’t been kidding when he said he needed time––and he’d spent that time drawing up the plans from hell. Frank, however, had always valued my opinion and my metaphorical balls. He would’ve never made me second-in-command otherwise. I had never shied away from giving it to him straight before and this time was no different.


Frank frowned. More a puzzled look than one of disapproval. After a meaningful pause, he asked, “Are you in love?” Doubt softened his tone. As if it only now occurred to him that I could be unavailable. Then again, in all the years I’d known him I’d never brought anybody to any of the numerous company events I’d attended. And he had no idea about Josh.
