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He has one more year left on his contract with the Titans. Retirement soon to follow. Is it terrible to admit how relieved I am? At first, I was worried about how much he’d miss the work, the camaraderie with the guys. However, when he told me he wanted to go into coaching, I knew he was going to be fine. That Team Shaw would be fine.

When I asked him if he regrets not winning another championship, he told me he was done wanting anything for himself, said he was looking forward to helping other people make their dreams come true. He says life has a funny way of showing you what you want before you even know you want it. I have to agree.

“We just had this one.”

His pushiness used to make me crazy. Now I think it’s cute. Insert eye roll. But that’s love for you. It’ll take your world, turn it upside down, and have you smiling while the g-force takes your breath away.

“We haven’t done it in the hammock in a while,” he murmurs in that ridiculously sexy voice that’s gotten me into trouble more than once. A slight lift of a black eyebrow follows. “Kids are asleep.”

“You and I both know you’re no good in a hammock. It got dangerous last time.”

“That’s because we were trying to give Connor and Christian a little brother––”

“Sister. Sister. And just so we’re clear, no more penises in this house, EVER again. Got it?” Needless to say, the boys are more than a handful.

“Point is, I needed better leverage.”

“You almost gave yourself a concussion.”

“Are you questioning my abilities, woman? ‘Cause I’m ready to provide a demonstration.”

“No one is disputing your ability to make babies, my love.” I can’t help the giggle that bubbles up when he begins a stealthy crawl toward our bed. “Reginald––don’t you dare wake that baby.”

“You’re payin’ for that.” Ten minutes later, after he’s put Caroline in her crib, he returns wearing a look that warns me good things are coming. “Now where were we? Oh yeah, I was going to torture you with my tongue.”

I giggle as he pounces on me. And then I breathe out a relaxed sigh as the weight of him settles between my thighs. “Just remember, no more penises,” I whisper in his ear.

“I’ll do my best, Honey.”

And I know he means it. This amazing man would never give anything other than his best.
