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“A cougar.”

“Sorry to hear that.” The rancher made it sound like a death sentence.

Sybil immediately sat up taller. “Brand sewed him back together and did a fine job.” Her voice carried more assurance than it had a few minutes ago, but Brand wasn’t ready to give up on Dawg and neither was she.

“Linette sent me to say it’s time for church,” Eddie said. He addressed Sybil, then his gaze went to Brand, as if considering the situation. “You’re welcome to join us.”

He shook his head. “Thanks all the same, but I’ll be staying with Dawg, if that’s okay.”

Eddie nodded.

Sybil rose and brushed off her skirts. She crossed to the gate, which Eddie held open for her. Then she turned back to the man and his dog. “I’ll be back.” It was a promise.

He flicked a glance at her in acknowledgment.

As she accompanied Eddie to the house, she made a silent vow.

She’d help Brand with Dawg. But she would not let her barriers down again.

Chapter Eight

Sybil had to hurry to change her clothes, now stained with dirt and blood. It would take a lot of scrubbing and spot removing to make the dress wearable again. She pulled a clean frock on and brushed her hair into submission, then rushed out to join the others as they made their way to the cookhouse, where church was held.

She found a seat beside Mercy and glanced around. The place was crowded. As usual, Ward and Grace and her little sister, Belle, joined them. Ward had once worked for Eden Valley Ranch, but moved to his own place after he married Grace. Ward’s mother accompanied them. She had her own house on their ranch.

Jayne and Seth came across the road. Cassie, Roper and their four children joined them from the foreman’s house.

Sybil adjusted her skirts and settled into a more comfortable position as Cookie rose to lead the singing. And then her husband, Bertie, spoke. Sybil had learned to appreciate his homespun talks.

After the service, as they left the cookhouse, she glanced toward the barn, but saw no sign of Brand. She couldn’t slip away to see him and Dawg as everyone but the cowboys made their way to the big house, where Linette would soon serve a meal. Sybil helped with the preparations. Then she sat through the leisurely lunch and listened to visiting among old friends.

Over and over her mind skittered to the barn, where Brand and Dawg sat alone. She sought to still her thoughts. It wasn’t as if Brand needed anything. Cookie had already sent over a plate of food.

Slim or one of the other cowboys would be about if Brand needed something for Dawg.

No, he certainly didn’t need her, and she would do well to stay away from him as much as possible if she meant to guard her heart. But she would allow herself a visit to check on Dawg, and because she had promised to return.

However, after the meal, there were dishes to do. And the usual Sunday afternoon activities, which she normally enjoyed. Only today they seemed to go on and on. Would Brand wonder if she meant to keep her promise?

She gave a mental snort. Most likely he hadn’t even paid attention to her words nor noted her absence.

Finally, the guests departed. Linette hid a yawn, then announced she’d have a nap, if no one minded.

“We’re perfectly capable of entertaining ourselves,” Sybil said. Now she’d be able to slip away to check on Brand. And Dawg, she insisted. “I’m going for a walk.”

“I’ll join you.” Mercy fell in at her side. “Unless you prefer I didn’t come along.” She nudged Sybil.

“Now, why wouldn’t I want your company?” Except her friend was right. She’d hoped to be on her own.

“Oh, I don’t know. Maybe because you want to spend time with a certain cowboy.”

Mercy was far too perceptive, but Sybil wouldn’t give her the satisfaction of letting her know it.

“I wonder what Jayne’s doing,” Sybil said.

“I expect she’s enjoying time with Seth. You’re stuck with me.”

“I don’t mind.”

“It’s nice of you to say so.” Mercy directed their steps away from the ranch house and up the hill, until they could view the road to Edendale. “It’s been a long while since we went to town. Do you think we could persuade Linette it’s time for a trip?”

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