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“Obeying is the surest way to a peaceful life.”

He withdrew his hands. “I suspect it is, but life isn’t always so neat and orderly. Sometimes, even when we do everything in our power to do what is right, bad things happen anyway.”

“I don’t mean to imply they won’t. It’s just...” She rolled her head back and forth, then her expression grew fierce. “I can’t bear to think of my stories being mocked because they are written by a woman.”

He realized they were back to talking about her writing, when his thoughts had shifted to his situation. “Well, all I can say is it’s a shame you don’t share your stories.”

“I share them with Grady.”

“He’s a fortunate little boy.”

“Not because of my stories. But because Linette and Eddie love him like he was their own.”

“I thought he was.”

She told him how Grady’s father had rejected him when Linette rescued him, after his mother died on the trip across the ocean.

The story ripped through Brand. Why couldn’t fathers be what God intended them to be?

Sybil squeezed his hand. “God has provided for him just as He’s promised to provide for all of us.”

Had Brand’s expression revealed something that hinted at his distress over his pa? Was that why she offered comfort? He wanted to argue with her. Demand to know how God had provided for him. But of course God had given him an upright ma. That was all he’d needed. “Some are not as fortunate as Grady.”

She nodded, her eyes wide with sorrow. “How sad that you are right.”

Did she realize she clung to his hand? That her expression beseeched him to make the world better? He touched her cheek. “Don’t let it sadden you. People learn to adjust to a lot of things.” He trailed his fingertip to the corner of her mouth and leaned closer.

She stiffened, pulled away. “What a tragic statement about mankind. We learn to adjust to bad things.” She sighed deeply. “Life should not be that way.”

He jerked his hands to his lap. Had he thought to kiss her? He must be losing his mind.

For certain, he was losing his grip on the reality of his situation. He shoved rock-hard determination into his heart. He could no longer act as if he lived in a make-believe world.

He cleaned his plate and held it out to her. “Thank you for bringing it, and thank Linette for me, please.”

Sybil took the plate, studied him for a heartbeat. No doubt saw he’d withdrawn, saw his dismissal. Surely she understood this was no place for a lady, and he was certainly not the kind of company a lady should keep.

With a nod, she got to her feet. “I’ll tell her.”

As she crossed toward the gate, he almost changed his mind and asked her to stay a little longer.

But that would be downright stupid.

She turned before she shut the gate. “Good night, Brand. Good night, Dawg. Sleep well, both of you.”

“Good night,” he murmured, hoping he managed to keep all regret from his voice.

He should be saying goodbye.

* * *

Sybil slipped past the occupied living room, calling out, “I’m going to bed. Good night, all.”

She wondered if Mercy would trot after her, demanding to know why she didn’t stop to visit, and probing her with questions about Brand, but after a few minutes, it seemed she wouldn’t.

Sybil collapsed on her bed, staring at the ceiling. Brand had suggested she publish her stories. He meant the ones she told Grady. Had her heart not burned within her at his words? To be recognized as the author of the stories she feel free to submit more...well, it filled her stomach with fluttering butterflies. And made her want to laugh. She was both thrilled and frightened at the idea.

Why had she not confessed she’d published stories under the Ellis West name?

She sat up and stared at her feet. Why had she not told him she wanted to write a story about him and submit it for publication?

Would he be so encouraging about her stories if she had? Would he still suggest there were times a person should step outside of safe boundaries?

She shivered—again with both fear and excitement. No doubt Brand followed his own rules. But where had that gotten him? Alone. Nameless. His only friend a dog that barely survived his wounds.
