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“To trust God with your past, your present and your future.”

A present and a future of enjoying her company? Was it possible? Eddie would give him a job. He’d already offered. And then what? What about Brand’s past?

Maybe Pa and Cyrus would forget about him. Maybe they already had. He sighed. Yeah, and maybe winter wouldn’t come this year. The sun wouldn’t rise in the east. And he could be a free man.

Not going to happen. Not with a wanted poster for the Duggans.

But with winter coming on, could he hope to remain here undetected for a few months? Would God give him a chance at a regular life? But then what?

Maybe he could have only a few weeks, a few months, but wouldn’t it be worth it?

“I guess I need to let Dawg rest a few more days.” It was all Brand could give her. All he could give himself.

Her eyes flickered, acknowledging that his answer wasn’t what she sought. “I pray you will discover you don’t need to keep running and hiding.” She looked at him with such hope and assurance that his resistance disappeared like a wisp of smoke.

“You are determined to give me hope, aren’t you?”

“Yes, I am.” She leaned closer. “You deserve it.”

He wasn’t sure what she thought he deserved. More than was possible, for certain. But her sweet face begged to be kissed. And he lowered his head and caught her lips in a gentle caress.

She sat back and stared at him.

But she couldn’t be any more surprised by his actions than he. His pulse took off in a wild gallop. What was there about this woman that unsettled him so much he forgot who he was, what he must do?

Brand fully expected she would rise in her dignified way and make some excuse as to why she must leave. But instead she continued to study him.

“Why did you do that?”

“Do you wish I hadn’t?” He didn’t regret it for one moment.

“No. But I wonder what it means.”

“I don’t know for sure, except you make me forget everything I should remember.”

Her eyes crinkled in gentle laughter. “I’m hoping you mean that as a good thing.”

“It feels right and good at the moment.”

She nodded. “For me, too.”

His grin widened until he thought his face might crack.

They shifted, sat with their backs to the rough wood of the pen, their shoulders touching, as Dawg snored and snorted on his bed, and Brand finished the temporarily forgotten meal.

“Gonna miss all this good cooking.”

“You could enjoy Cookie’s meals all winter if you wanted.”

He put the empty plate aside and smiled at Sybil. “You make me wish I could. But it’s not possible.”

“So you keep saying. Why isn’t it?” She grabbed his arm. “Why?”

“It’s not, and that’s all I can say.” His heart lay heavy in his chest. If only things could be different.

“I don’t understand.”

“Sybil—” But before he could voice what he meant to say, the barn door creaked open and sunlight flared into the interior.

“Glad you could stop by.” It was Eddie, bringing Mr. Stone to get his horse. Brand had been introduced to the owner of the neighboring ranch earlier, when Mr. Stone dropped by and was invited to join them for supper.

“Thanks for the meal.” Sam threw the saddle blanket on his horse, then paused. “Have you heard about the recent robberies? The bank at Fort Macleod was robbed and a farmer north of there reported cash and goods had been taken while he was away from the place. Constable Allen says it’s the work of the Duggan gang. He says they could be headed this direction.”

Brand jolted forward, listening intently.

“I’ll be watchful,” Eddie said. “Thanks for the warning.”

Sam led his horse out, called a goodbye and rode away.

Eddie came to the pen to check on them. “How’s he doing?” He tipped his head toward Dawg.

“Almost good as new,” Brand replied. Good enough to travel.

He waited for Eddie to leave, and then, his jaw hard, his voice firm, he said, “I’ll be on my way in the morning.” He’d collect his wages tonight.

“I hoped you would stop running.” Her voice quavered.
