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He was roused by a shout outside. “It’s the Mountie.”

“Looks like he got the men.”

“Nothing I like better’n to see two outlaws draped over the back of a horse.”

Draped? As in dead? Cyrus was dead? Shock coursed through Brand’s body. Somewhere deep in his brain he’d secretly hoped Cyrus would tell the truth about why Brand had been involved in the robbery. Now that chance was gone. Though all along he’d told himself no one would believe one Duggan over the other.

He strained upward, hoping for a glimpse of the Mountie, trying to catch more words, but he couldn’t get high enough to see over the sides of the pen, nor could he hear the men as they rushed past and out of his hearing. “Dawg, I sure wish you could go find out what’s going on.”

Dawg stood at attention, listening to the commotion outside but choosing to stay at Brand’s side.

Brand sank back, knowing he would have to wait until someone came to inform him. And wait he did, the minutes ticking by with maddening slowness.

It was Eddie who finally came. “The Mountie wants to see you.” He untied Brand from the post, leaving his hands bound. “Trust you won’t try and run.”

Brand glanced about. “Would seem futile, seeing as every place I look there are people. ’Spect some of them would be happy enough to shoot another Duggan.”

Eddie didn’t reply as he led him up the hill.

Brand paused inside the door of the big house, struck once again by the size and beauty of the place. It was the right setting for a girl like Sybil.

She stood inside the room to the left of the big entryway, her eyes watchful and still begging for the truth.

He managed a flicker of a smile that went no deeper than his lips. But he wanted to somehow assure her she needn’t worry about him.

Then Eddie led him down the hall to another room. They stepped inside. The Mountie sat in a big leather chair, before an oak desk. Shelves full of books encircled the room, with chairs placed in three of the corners. Just right for reading. A little table provided a place for writing. He allowed himself one mental picture of Sybil sitting there, writing her stories, before he turned his full attention to Constable Allen.

“Guess you got the others.”

“I wouldn’t be here if I hadn’t,” the Mountie replied. “They both came back dead.” He indicated a chair in front of the desk, and Brand sat. “Sorry about your brother.”

Brand didn’t answer for several seconds, still uncertain what he thought of Cyrus’s death. Finally, he said the only thing that made sense. “I hoped for a chance to tell him he could find God’s mercy. Guess it’s too late for that.”

“Again, I’m sorry.”

Sorry was a pitifully inadequate word, but he guessed there was no other.

“Cyrus had lots to say before he died.”

“Cyrus always was a talker. Ma used to say his tongue was loose on both ends.” Now why had he said that? As if anyone cared.

The Mountie chuckled. “I can see why she’d say that. He had some mighty interesting things to say.”

Brand held his counsel. Cyrus wasn’t exactly the truth-telling sort, so he couldn’t begin to guess what had been said.

“I think he was afraid you’d get off scot-free, so he warned us that you might concoct a story. Even told us what it was you’d say. I found that a little odd. How would he know the details of your story? I’ve been asking around. Putting the information together.”

“That a fact?” Whom had he been talking to and what information had he gathered?

“The facts are this. You were unarmed at the robbery. Miss Sybil says you never asked any questions that would gain you information of the sort needed for a robbery. Macpherson says you had been in the store only twice and both times hurried in and out. Eddie tells me you wouldn’t even accept an invitation to the house. Seems odd if indeed you meant to rob him. Then Bertie comes to me and tells me that you were forced to go along with the robbery in order to protect Miss Bannerman. How am I doing so far?”

Brand couldn’t put two words together. All those people had spoken in his defense?

The Mountie continued. “I have one question for you.” He waited for a nod from Brand. “Are you guilty or innocent?”

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