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It was all she could do to keep her mind on her tasks as the afternoon hours passed. Would he come to the house and ask for her? Would he expect her to go down the hill to meet him? Or was she imagining all sorts of possibilities when there were none?

She was at the window when Eddie headed up the hill for supper, Grady at his side. She lingered despite Mercy’s knowing laugh as the cowboys hurried toward the cookhouse. Brand brought up the rear—a good ten feet behind the others. Her heart went out to him. How long would it take for him to feel comfortable around people?

He looked toward the house and again touched the brim of his hat.

Mercy chuckled. “I do believe he saw you.”

“Why are you spying on me?” Sybil’s voice held no rancor. Mercy was simply being Mercy. She liked adventure, liked to keep things exciting, but she didn’t have an unkind bone in her body.

“Because it’s so much fun.”

Sybil turned from the window. “You’ve stuck close to the house all day.”

Mercy wrapped an arm about Sybil’s waist as they turned toward the kitchen. “I didn’t want to miss anything.”

“That’s strange. You usually create your own excitement.”

“Usually,” Mercy agreed. “But you’re much more interesting lately. Are you going to meet Brand later?”

She considered saying no just to prove her friend wrong, but then she’d feel obligated to follow through. “Maybe.” I hope so.

Mercy laughed. “Oh, how our Sybil has changed.”

Sybil jerked them to a halt. “What do you mean? I haven’t changed a bit.”

“You’re letting yourself be friendly with an outlaw cowboy. Not too long ago you would have run from such a man.”

“He’s not an outlaw and never was.”

Mercy just grinned and pulled her toward the kitchen. “An outlaw. A cowboy. Homeless. Likely as poor as a pauper. Sybil, so much for living a safe little life.”

Mercy meant to tease, but her words stung deep inside. Sybil didn’t care about his possessions or lack of them. A person’s value wasn’t measured in his material belongings.

By the time the evening meal was finished, dusk had fallen. Her glance went continually to the window. Would Brand come to the house? She was almost certain he wouldn’t. He’d be uncomfortable. Disappointment as sharp and stinging as acrid smoke burned her eyes.

Mercy nudged her. “Do you want me to go with you?”

Sybil stalled, wanting to go down the hill and see if Brand was around, but not wanting her friend to know how desperately she ached to see him and speak to him.

Mercy dragged her to the window overlooking the ranch. Lights glowed from the buildings. A lantern hung outside the barn, and in the shadows, a lean figure lounged against the wall.

“Guess who’s down there waiting for you?”

“You don’t know that.”

Mercy snagged shawls off the hooks in the hall and handed Sybil hers. “We haven’t see Jayne all day. Let’s go visit her.”

Without arguing, Sybil put on her shawl.

Linette and Eddie came into the room. Linette smiled at the pair. “Going out?”

“To visit Jayne.” Mercy winked and dragged Sybil to the door.

Trying to stop Mercy was as futile as trying to stop a train racing downhill. So Sybil let herself be hustled toward Jayne’s house. All the while her heart pushed against her ribs and her eyes sought out the figure leaning in the shadows.

When they reached the cookhouse, the figure stepped away from the barn and toward them. All along she’d known it was Brand.

Mercy murmured softly, “I’ll see Jayne on my own.” She slipped away.

Sybil barely noticed her departure as Brand moved closer. “Howdy,” he said, narrowing the distance between them.

“Good evening.” Was that all they had to say to each other?

He took her elbow and guided her down the moonlit path toward the river. “I decided to stay.”

“I’m glad you did.” They reached the bridge and stopped to lean on the handrail. They stared at the flashing silver of the water. “Are you enjoying your work?” she asked.

“Yes. And Cookie’s food is great.”

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