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“Brand, wait.” She trotted after him.

He ignored her call and easily outdistanced her with long, hurried strides. He felt as if she’d snatched the ground from beneath his feet. All her attention had been so she could get a story. How could he trust anything he’d believed about her?

Eddie was in front of the barn. Good. That would save him from finding the man.

“Eddie, I have to leave.”

“Leave? Now? Is something wrong?”

Everything. He’d been a blind, stupid fool. “I have to go. I have my reasons.”

“You’re sure about this? I can’t change your mind?”

“My mind’s made up.” Brand grabbed his saddle and strode toward his horse.

“I’m sorry to hear that. I’ll run up to the house and get your wages.”

Brand didn’t want to wait, but he would need the money to buy supplies. “I’ll be at the bunkhouse collecting my things.”

Eddie opened his mouth to say something more, then thought better of it and jogged away.

Brand finished saddling up, and whistled for Dawg. The dog wriggled in anticipation. Guess he was ready to move on, too. Brand led the horse from the barn.

But Sybil stood in the roadway. “Brand, please.”

He pretended not to hear. Dawg hesitated, turned toward her and whined. Brand whistled and the dog trotted after him.

At the bunkhouse, Brand stuffed his things into his saddlebag, rolled up his bedding and left the place without a backward look.

Eddie waited outside and counted out his wages. “I don’t know what happened, but I saw Sybil with tears streaming down her face.”

“I didn’t do anything.”

“Perhaps not, but there is obviously a misunderstanding that can’t be resolved if you ride away.”

“The misunderstanding was wholly on my part.”


Brand didn’t reply.

Eddie shook his head. “If you change your mind, you’re always welcome here.”

“Thanks, but I won’t be back.”

Eddie held out his hand. “It’s been a pleasure.”

Brand shook the rancher’s hand, wishing he could say the same, then mounted up. Dawg followed.

Not until he was beyond sight of the ranch did Brand stop, turn around and look back for a long time. Regret scratched through his veins. Another chapter over. Another lesson learned.

He headed down the trail. Dawg stood looking back until Brand called him.

* * *

Sybil hadn’t been able to hide her tears from Eddie as she rushed to the house.

Linette saw her as she burst through the door and dashed down the hall, hoping to reach her bedroom before she collapsed.

“Sybil, what’s wrong?” her friend called. When she didn’t answer and continued her headlong rush, Linette hurried after her.

Sybil turned the corner and ran into Mercy.

“Whoa.” Mercy grabbed her arms and steadied her. She looked at Sybil, saw the gushing tears. “Sybil, what’s the matter?”

The only sounds she could make were the sobs she fought to stifle.

Linette wrapped an arm about her shoulders. “What’s happened? Are you hurt?”

Sybil shook her head. Yes, she was hurt, but how was she to explain a pain without physical cause?

“It’s Brand, isn’t it?” Mercy sounded disgusted. “What did he do? Tell me. I’ll find him and make him pay.”

Sybil hiccuped and again shook her head. “He...didn’t...” She swallowed back tears. “It’s all a mistake.”

“Then tell him. Whatever it is.”

“I can’t,” she wailed. “He left.”

Mercy held her at arm’s length. “You mean he’s gone? Ridden away?”

Sybil nodded.

Linette sighed. “Eddie will be disappointed. He liked Brand.”

“Eddie’s disappointed?” Mercy grunted. “What about Sybil?”

Sybil broke away from them and rushed to her room, buried her face in her pillow and wept.

Her friends followed her.

“I’m sorry,” Linette said. “I didn’t mean to be insensitive.” Her footsteps tapped away down the hall. But not Mercy’s.

Sybil wished she would go away and leave her to wallow in her misery, but instead Mercy sat beside her. “What happened?”
