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“Go. Go back to her.”

Dawg yapped and took off running. The last Brand saw of him was his crooked tail disappearing down the trail.

What did a fool dog know?

* * *

Sybil had cried enough tears during the night to soak her pillow and leave her eyes puffy. She rose and washed her face. No more crying. She was done with tears. Knowing Brand had been a nice experience while it lasted. Now it was time to move on. She sighed. Words were easy and intentions were fine, but she’d never forget him.

Linette had ironing to be done so Sybil gladly stayed in the kitchen, tackling the job, while her friend sat in the front room and tended to the mending.

The stove was hot, to heat the irons, but she barely noticed the growing warmth of the room. The mindless task allowed her thoughts to constantly follow a trail north from the ranch.

Where had Brand gone? Where would he stop? Maybe he’d change his mind and return, give her a chance to explain. Please God, send him back. She continued ironing, knowing God could change Brand’s heart, but only if Brand didn’t hold stubbornly to his anger.

Outside, a dog barked, the sound urgent, demanding. Dawg? She ran down the hall, straight out the front door. “Dawg!” She fell on her knees and hugged the animal. He licked her face and wriggled from his nose to the tip of his crooked tail.

She lifted her head and looked around. There was no cowboy on the path or in front of the door. She stood and turned full circle, but still did not see Brand. “Where’s your master?”

Mercy and Jayne stepped from Jayne’s cabin, saw Dawg with Sybil and looked around. Then they climbed the hill to join her.

“Where is he?” Mercy asked.

“I don’t know.” Sybil squeezed her hands together so hard they hurt. “But Dawg wouldn’t be here without him.” Her throat closed off so she had to swallow twice before she could continue. “Maybe he’s hurt.”

Mercy shrugged. “Or maybe he sent Dawg back.”

“He would never do that.” Sybil fought a suffocating sense of panic.

Mercy watched her, saw her tensing, and squeezed her arm. “I’m sure there’s nothing to be concerned about.”

Her words barely registered with Sybil. “Where’s Eddie?” She scanned the entire ranch area visible from the hill.

Linette had joined them. “He’s taken some cowboys and headed west to check on the cows.”

“I have to find Brand.” Sybil’s voice squeaked out.

Linette took her arm on one side, Mercy on the other, and Jayne caught her hand. They led her reluctant feet back to the house and gently pushed her into a chair.

Linette hurried away and returned in a few minutes with a pot of tea and four cups and saucers. She poured them each tea. But Sybil’s arms trembled so badly Linette put the cup on a nearby table.

“If you like, once Eddie returns I’ll ask him to check where Brand is.”

Sybil nodded. Ten thousand protests raced through her head. Brand could bleed to death waiting for Eddie to return. He could be lying somewhere unable to move. He could...

She attempted to slam the door on all the images flooding her brain. Sometimes an active imagination was an unpleasant thing.

After a few minutes she managed to drink her tea and appear calm. All the while, her thoughts raced, until she came up with a plan.

* * *

Brand rode on and on. Every mile weighed his mind until he drew his horse to a stop and stared at the narrow trail ahead. Where was he going? And more importantly, why? What difference did it make if Sybil wrote a story about someone named Cowboy? It didn’t matter to him. He no longer had to run from the Duggan gang.

His horse shuffled, uncertain what to do. Brand steadied the animal. “Just thinking, boy. Just thinking.”

Maybe Dawg had it right. Life was too good at the ranch to ride away.

And Sybil?

Why, she was the best thing that had ever happened to Brand. He loved her, and even if she didn’t love him back, even if her interest had only been for a story...

Well, then he could still enjoy occasional glimpses of her. Enjoy hearing her sing during Sunday services. See her sauntering around the ranch. He might even follow her to her favorite spot and openly watch her if she didn’t object.
