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Brand snorted a little laugh. “He refused to follow me, so I sent him back. Then I got to thinking. If a dog can see where he belongs, maybe I should try and be as smart.”

He went down on his haunches beside her. “Sybil, I want to say something I should have said before.” He scrubbed his lips together before he could go on. “For a few minutes I thought I’d never get the chance to say it.”

She nodded, hopeful but uncertain. After all, she had written about him without his permission, and at first, it was why she had shown interest in him.

“Sybil Bannerman, I love you. I know you’re a fine Englishwoman and I’m only a poor cowboy and a Duggan at that, but I love you. You don’t have to love me back. I don’t expect it, but I was afraid I’d die without ever telling you.”

She wondered if he was ever going to stop. It seemed the most words he’d strung together since they’d met. She touched his lips to end his speech.

“No more apologies. Brand Duggan, I love you from the bottom of my heart.”

He let out a whoop, pulled her to her feet and kissed her soundly. She kissed him right back.

Behind them, Mercy coughed.

Sybil turned without leaving Brand’s arms. “I wondered how long you’d wait.”

Brand held her close, filling her with pure, sweet pleasure.

Mercy drew the horses forward. “I suggest we go home before Eddie sends out a search party.”

Sybil sighed and rubbed her legs. “I suppose there’s only one way to get back.”

Mercy’s laugh rendered Sybil no sympathy. “Same way we got here. On the back of a horse.” She swung up on her mount.

Brand and Sybil stood next to the other horse. She thought she had never seen such a beautiful smile as the one he wore. It sparkled in his eyes and filled her heart with joy.

“We’ll take it slow,” he promised.

She hoped he didn’t mean their courtship. Taking it slow, being cautious, had almost cost them their chance at love.

He trailed a finger along her jaw. “The reputation of the Duggan gang might haunt me for years. Perhaps I’m not being fair to you.”

“Don’t you dare change your mind about loving me.” She said it teasingly, having full confidence in his affections.

His laugh was short and a bit regretful, she thought. “There might be others who want to deal with the last Duggan. Like that man back on the trail.”

“Then I suppose I’ll have to take shooting lessons.”

He chuckled then, the sound deep in his chest.

She hugged him. “I don’t intend to let you go. You’ll never be alone again.”

He kissed her slowly, sweetly. She was learning to appreciate his gentle ways. She would always be safe with him.

“I’ve always wanted a little ranch where I can break and train horses.”

She laughed. “I’m sure everyone will be as surprised to hear that as I am.”

He grinned sheepishly. “Will you be happy as a rancher’s wife? If not, we can live in town.”

“Brand, it’s sweet of you to offer, but I’m finding I quite like ranch life.” She brushed her hand across his cheek. “I think it will be a wonderful adventure with you.”

He was about to kiss her again, but suddenly drew back. “About that story you wrote about me...”

“Forget it. I decided a long time ago I wasn’t sending it to the editor.”

“Here’s what I think. You send it in as you’ve written it. About a nameless cowboy. On two conditions.”

“Anything you say.” She waited for him to name the conditions.

He cupped her face and looked deep into her eyes. “You write more of the children’s stories and sell them in your own name.”

“I promise to write them, but I can’t promise someone will buy them.” She knew being a woman would prove a barrier to some publishers.

“Then you’ll tell them to our children.”

Mercy had ridden ahead and turned to call, “Are you two coming?”

“Yes,” Sybil answered. To Brand she said, “I guess we better follow her.”

“Not just yet.” He caught her about the waist and bent his head to kiss her, with so much tenderness her eyes stung. With the promise of a growing love, the promise of a family and a bright future, they mounted up and rode back to the ranch.
