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He stared at it a moment, then understanding dawned. He whooped and swung her in a wide circle.

“I still think I should have sold it as Sybil Duggan.”

“We had this argument.”

“Yes, and I let you win.” He thought the Duggan name might pose a barrier to her success. She’d finally relented simply because she saw how much it upset him.

“Do you still feel the same way?”

“I do. The Duggan name will always be besmirched.”

She pulled his face close and kissed him soundly. “I am honored to share your name.” She leaned back and studied his features. “Brand, do you think you can teach your children to be proud of their name?”

He returned her look with equal seriousness. “In time people will forget about the Duggan gang.” He shrugged. “And I guess I’ll learn to put it behind me, too.”

“How much time do you think you’ll need?”

“I can’t say.”

“Will six or seven months be long enough?”

His eyes stilled. “Why?”

She laughed deep in her throat. “Because in about that length of time there will be another Duggan, and I want him or her to be proud of who they are and who their father is.”

He blinked. Stared. Swallowed hard. “Another Duggan?”

She cradled her arms as if holding an infant. “A very small one.”

He laughed and swept her off her feet again. “Whooee. What a day this is. A new book. A baby on the way.” He crossed the threshold. “And a new home.” He kissed her before he set her down inside the cabin.

“A new life together as the Duggans. We will be known as a couple—a family—that loves deeply.” They’d likely be known for many more things—honesty, kindness, hospitality, and above all, joy.

“Ma used to say God will always be with us,” Brand murmured. “He will always guide us to a safe place. Her words have come true this day and I thank Him.”

“Me, too.” Clasping hands, standing forehead to forehead, they bowed, and each prayed in gratitude for God’s faithfulness and love. “Amen.”

They stepped into the kitchen and the beginning of a shared life together. Brand stood behind Sybil and wrapped his arms about her. He pressed his palms to the place where their child lay in safety. “Welcome home.”

She leaned against his chest, so content she didn’t want to move. The anticipation of shared joys blessed every thought and eased every breath.

Life as a Duggan offered a wonderful future.

* * * * *
